chapter 46

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I woke up to Lizzie kissing my lips softly. "Morning baby." "Morning love, what time is it?" "About 5:30" "oh god, it's so early. Let's just go back to sleep." I mumbled into her neck as she giggled. "I'd love to baby but I have to go to work, you can go back to sleep though I can just get a uber." "there's no way I'm letting you get in an uber at 5:30 in the morning." "Get your lazy butt out of bed then." She laughed as I chucked my pillow at her face before running into the bathroom. "You have to come out at some point y/n and when you do, you're dead." "You have to go to work I don't have to go anywhere I can stay in here all day" "are you really going to let me get an uber at 5:30?" "No... okay, I'm going to come out just know I love you with all my heart." "And I love you too, now come on out." She muttered as I cautiously stepped out of the bathroom just to be attacked by a pillow flying at my face causing me to be knocked on my ass. "Oh fuck." "And now we're even." She giggled as she skipped her way into the bathroom. "You know if I didn't love you, I would've killed you." "it's a good thing I'm your bestest friend then." "Just brush your teeth smelly breath." I laughed getting up off the floor only for Lizzie to tackle me. "Take it back, take it back." "I'm sorry, you don't have bad breath." I groaned as she attacked my face in kisses. "Good now get your lazy ass up or I'm going to be late." "I'm up... I'm up."

Once we finally got ready, I ended up dropping Lizzie off at her hotel so she could take her car to work so she didn't have to get an Uber on the way home. When I finally got home my phone started ringing almost as if they knew I just walked through the door. "Oh, hey love, what's up?" "Nothing, just thought I'd ring you on my way to work, don't worry you're on speaker." "Do you miss me already?" "So, what if I do." "I might have to get a restraining order on you." "Oh, please like you could go more than a day without seeing me." "You think so little of me I think I could go at least a day." I laughed walking over to the sofa. "Well too bad we have a date tonight." "Oh, I forgot about that." "You forgot?" she questioned with disappointment laced in her tone. "of course I didn't you muppet now where are we going?" "it's a surprise, I've got to go I just got to work ill see you later baby. I love you." "can't wait, darling, I love you too bye." "Bye baby."

Once the phone call ended, I spent most of the day tidying up and doing chores around the house that I had forgotten to do especially paying my bills, being an adult is stupidly expensive. Once it got to about 5 pm I got my clothes out of the wardrobe and ironed them making sure to get all the creases out before hanging them up and getting in the shower. Once I finished getting ready, I texted Lizzie telling her I was about to order an uber so that we could both have a drink without worrying about driving home. Luckily, she was ready, so I ordered it.

My rockstar 🎸
I'm here love x

Olsen 💚
Okay I'll be right down x

Once my beautiful goddess of a girlfriend came out the main door my jaw dropped. I rushed out of the car towards her door tripping on the curb as she put her hand in front of her mouth trying to keep her giggles contained. "it's okay, you can laugh." "you're such a dork." "you look, gorgeous honey." "you look so handsome baby and honey that's a new one." She smiled kissing my cheek as I opened her door. "I know I was just trying it out." "well, I like it." "Good to know," I replied before shutting her car door and making my way back over to my side.

"you know you kind of have to say where we're going otherwise the uber driver won't know where to take us." "oh yeah." She giggled before leaning over to whisper into the driver's ear. Wow. "you really aren't going to tell me?" "well then it wouldn't be a surprise then would it." "I guess not." I shrugged placing my hand on top of hers.

The journey was taking forever I could tell we were going into the centre of la but where im not entirely sure. It was quiet which wasn't necessarily a good thing since my mind started to spiral. "Baby, what's wrong?" Lizzie asked softly as she rested her hand on my thigh. "What if we get pictured, what if they make articles about us, you know how desperate these people are I mean- "first of all calm down, you have nothing to worry about if they take photos of us, it's fine, people will probably just assume were friends there's nothing to freak out about I promise you." "I know I'm just worrying; I know you don't want people to know yet and my mind was just running away with itself." "You have no need to apologize honestly you're just looking out for us, but I promise everything will be fine you don't have to worry." "You sure?" "One hundred percent, I love you." "I love you too." I smiled softly before resting my head on her shoulder interlocking our fingers for the rest of the drive.

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