Chapter 30

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We got back to the house and Lizzie rushed to my side of the car to help me out. "Here let me help you." She spoke softly helping me up. "You don't have to." "Please it's fine come on." I got out the car and shut the door behind me. Once we got inside I switched the lights on and toms smile dropped. "I'll order us some food, you should go clean your your face and probably get changed." He spoke softly as I glanced at my T-shirt to see it almost completely covered in blood. "You're right I'll go up now." "I'll come with you." Lizzie offered from behind me. "Okay." "Where did you guys want to order from? McDonald's maybe?" "Sure I'll get chicken nuggets and a vanilla milkshake please." Lizzie ordered as toms lips curved into a smirk. "What?" "You ordered the exact same thing when you last had a fight with Robbie." He smiled as Lizzie looked up at me. "Get over yourself Olsen I just wanted chicken nuggets." I defended myself as they both burst out laughing. "Yeah yeah whatever I'll have chicken selects and an oasis please." I ordered before waking up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I pulled a cloth from the draw and placed it under the tap to dampen it slightly. "Here let me." She offered making her way towards me. "Oh are you don't bullying me?" "I wasn't bullying you I actually think it's quite sweet you were thinking of me." She admitted as I jumped up on the side and sat facing her. She swiped the cloth over my eyebrow. "Ow." I hiss as she blows on the same spot trying to soothe the pain. "Your face is a mess." "Cheers love." I chuckle as she raises an eyebrow. "No you idiot I mean the fact that you're going to have a black eye, you have two cuts on your right eyebrow and a cut on your jaw." She mumbled blowing on my eyebrow one again. "And not to mention your lip." "Is it bad?" "It's almost doubled in size if you consider that bad?" "Shit." "Yeah."

She finished cleaning the rest of my face and smiled. "There you go, you look a lot better now." "Thank you." I reply resting my hands on her waist. I learn my head forward and rest my forehead against hers sighing. "Can I kiss you yet?" "Please." I place my finger under her jaw a slightly tilted her head up so her eyes lock on to mine. "Are you just going to stare at me all day?" She chucked as I rested my hand on her cheek. "Am I not allowed to take a moment to appreciate the beauty in front of me." "Not right now." She quipped back as her lips smashed onto mine. She placed her hands of either side of my face trying to deep the kiss. "Liz ow stop." "What? What!" She asked conceded. "My lip." I laughed feeling the sharp pain shoot across my top lip. "Oh shit I forgot I'm sorry." "Don't be, it was worth it." I chuckle slipping off the side. "You okay?" "Yeah just thinking." "About what?" She questioned as we walked towards my bedroom. "You and Robbie." "We're over." "Over, over?" "Y/n look at me were done I promise you. I want you and I'm yours if you'll have me." "You've always had me Elizabeth." "Good." She smiled as she leaned up to peck my cheek.

I pulled out a pair of jogging bottoms and a T-shirt out of the cupboard, Lizzie waited outside as I got changed. As I took my bloody shirt off I looked in the mirror to see a large red mark across my stomach. Okay shit. I turned around to check my back and there is almost an identical mark. Well fuck me that's why it hurt so much. I put my shirt on over my head and walked out to meet Liz in the hallway. "Hey you ready to go down?" She asked as I shut my bedroom door. "Of course."

Once we got downstairs food was already here. "You know this is our last meal together as roommates." Tom laughed as Lizzie looked at me confused. "Yeah I found an apartment I'm moving in tomorrow." "How far is it? its not like really far away right?" "It's only five minutes away love don't worry." I chuckled as smile appeared. I placed my hand on hers and entwined our fingers as we both finished eating.

Once we finished eating Tom cleared all the rubbish away while me and Lizzie cleaned the table. "Okay guys I'm going to get an early night especially since ill be lifting heavy boxes tomorrow because of this idiot" "well now you're just being mean its not my fault he grabbed me is it?" I asked rhetorically. Tom smiled as he made his way to the stairs. "night y/n night lizzie." "Night Tommy." "Night Tom." I turned to Liz and lifted her hand up to my lips as I placed soft kisses along her knuckles as she chuckled. "I should probably get going before it gets too late." "Why don't you stay?" "I could I don't have work tomorrow plus that way I could help you move since you're not going to lifting anything heavy." "just stay." "Are you sure." "Oh my god of course I am, I can even sleep on the sofa if you want." "oh no way I'm not staying over here to sleep in an empty bed you're sleeping in it with me." She argued. "Are you sure?" "If you don't get in that bed with me I'm going back to my hotel." She said sternly causing me to laugh. "Okay come on." I reply as we got up and made our way upstairs.

Once we got to my room I went through the draws and handed her a pair of light blue joggers and a red shirt. "Thank you." I smile and turn around looking for a pair of shorts and a vest, when I found what I was looking for I turned back around and Lizzie was stood in her underwear. "Sorry." I mumble embarrassed swiftly turning back around. "I thought you were going to wait until I left sorry." I apologise again as I heard her chuckle. "You know you can look right?" "I at least want to take you on a proper date first." I reply as the silence grows. "Are you done? Can I turn around now?" I question as I feel her arms wrap around my waist as she placed a kiss between my shoulder blades. I cautiously turn around and to my relief she's dressed and I lean down to place kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back in a minute." I whisper as she un links her arms and gives me a small nod.

Once I got dressed I walked back into the bedroom and Lizzie was lay on my side of the bed. "Liz you're on my side." "Y/n just get in the bed." She laughs as I slide in. I shuffle about trying to get comfortable but it feels nearly impossible. "Y/n stop moving." Lizzie lightly complained as I lay flat on my back. "I'm trying to get comfortable." I whine as I see her get up and walk to the side of the bed I'm lay on and just stares at me. "Move then." She laughs as I smile and shuffle over. "Thank you." "I never knew you had a side of the bed." She replied slipping in next to me. "That is because every time you slept over was an accident and you always ended up sleeping cuddled up to me." "True, but do you want to know which night was my favourite?" "Which?" "The night you slept at my house." She admits as I blush. She turned her body so her back was flush against my front, I put my hands on her waist to stop her from moving about. "Lizzie." I whine. "That's what you get for teasing me earlier on." "I hate you." "You love me." "Whatever." "Goodnight y/n." She chuckled cuddling me closer. "Goodnight Lizzie."

A/n: sorry I didn't upload yesterday my brain wasn't working properly I think In the future Ill try to upload at least one chapter a day apart from Fridays so I don't burn myself out any way today's question is who's death do you think is the saddest from infinity or endgame?

I was watching end game while writing this and I definitely have to say Nat's may or may not of had to have a break to cry lol anyway have a good rest of the day ❤️.

also ill be streaming later on twitch if you wanted to check that out jibjib_binks (:

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