Chapter 23

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It's Friday night the day after y/n caught me and seb kissing. I still don't know why I did it not only did I kiss her brother but I got angry at her for doing far less the day before. I really didn't want to hurt her. Y/n she's amazing,funny and talented plus she's gorgeous. I felt like part of me genuinely liked her but the other part of me had always had a thing for seb; ever since I met him at a marvel dinner a couple of months ago. That night he reached past me to grab the remote and I couldn't help the burning sensation my heart got being that close to him and when our faces were only inches apart I took my chance, I kissed him. I feel terrible I do but there's nothing i can do about it now. I just hope she somehow figures out how to forgive him. She's his entire world and he was distraught for hours after she left. I tried for what felt like forever to get him out of his bedroom but he looked the door so I left and came home.

I decided to watch a Christmas film, I know it's only November but don't judge me. My phone beeped so I pulled it out of my pocket to see a text from an unknown number.

Y/n isn't as good as she seems.

Who is this?

Call this number.

And that's exactly what I did I called the number I knew I was taking a risk calling an unknown number but I had to know what they were talking about.

"Hello?" "Robbie?" "Yeah y/n isn't as innocent as she seems." "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I mean come on isn't it obvious, while you two were going on dates she was flirting with my fiancé the entire time, I even caught them holding hands at one point. That's probably why they went to the toilet together." "And she had the audacity to judge me and seb about what happened that small dicked bitch!" "What?" Robbie asked in disbelief. Shit I thought Lizzie would've told him by now. "You didn't know?" "No? What the fuck... I knew she was a freak but god." He laughed as he hung up. Shit shit shit I need to tell y/n oh fuck I forgot she blocked me on everything. To be honest she lead me on just as much as I lead her on does she even deserve to know?


Its Sunday evening and I was dragging my feet along the floor as I pushed a shopping cart. After what happened with liz I just wanted to lay in bed listen to sad songs and cry but Tom was having none of it. He forced me to put clothes on that weren't just joggers and jumpers and forced me to go out I decided we should go shopping as his fridge was practically empty I don't know what he's been eating But I think it's a lot of take out.

"Hey, Doritos?" He shouted from the other end of the isle. "Yeah get the blue ones!" "Ew." "Well get me the blue ones and get which ever ones you want." I yell back as he grabbed the red ones. Ew.

Once we finished shopping I was making my way to the car with the cart as I saw Brie out the corner of my eye. Fucking great like this day couldn't get any worse.

"Y/n what the fuck happened to you?" She asked pulling my jaw so she could see all the angles of my face. "It doesn't matter." I snapped moving out of her grip. "Is there anything you actually wanted Brie?" "I need to tell you something, Robbie texted me on an unknown number and I ended up calling it. He told me about you and Lizzie flirting and well I accidentally said you were a small dicked bitch. I'm so sorry I was just angry." "It was you?" Great now I feel like complete shit for not believing Lizzie. "I'm so sorry, it just slipped out." "You and seb are welcome to each other you're both as destructive as one another." I say clenching my jaw. I make my way to the passenger side. As I get into the car Tom flashed me a small smile. "So it wasn't her?" "Nope." I say running my hands down my face. I'm annoyed at Brie but I'm mostly mad at myself for believing that greasy horrid twat. I need to text her.

Rockstar 🎸
Can we talk?

Olsen 💚
Sure when?

Rockstar 🎸
Tomorrow night?

Olsen 💚
That's fine, I'll come over?

Rockstar 🎸

Olsen 💚
I'll see you about 7.

Rockstar 🎸

Let's just hope we can actually talk stuff through I would hate to loose her over my own stupidity.

A/n: this is the only chapter today, I'm away for the weekend but I've pre written a chapter for today and tomorrow so one a day (:

This chapters question is where's your favourite place you've been? Away from of course.

Mines probably Manchester for my friends birthday it was really fun. Anyway have a good rest of the day ❤️.

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