Chapter 32

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Seb and I sat on opposite sides of the bed, we've been in here for about 30 minutes rather than sitting in silence I chose to start building the bed luckily it wasn't hard at all. "I like the new place." "Thanks." I mumble as I hear him clear his throat. "I'm really sorry you know." "I know." I sigh. "Why are you so mad at me? And don't give me the you kissed her and I liked her shit be honest because we both know you didn't not really." "I didn't like her okay, not really I was using her to try to get over Lizzie is that what you want me to say? I forced myself to try and catch feelings because I knew falling for someone else would've been a lot easier!" I yell standing up. "I don't want excuses about your feelings towards Brie that's between you and her. I want to know why you're so mad at me!" "Because!" "Because what?" "Because, because I'm sick of you, I'm sick of being second best the second choice, I'm sick of mum loving you but she can barely look at me. I'm sick of you having a life I've always dreamed of and I'm so fucking sick of endless women falling for you meanwhile I'm a freak, an abomination someone girls try and sleep with as some sort of achievement I'm just sick and tired of everything. I mean a girl finally liked me for me and you ruined it. Okay maybe I didn't like her maybe I tricked myself into thinking I had something with her but you should've at least cared about me enough not to stick your tongue down her throat the first chance you got. I mean if I didn't catch you would you have told me?" I rant as the tears finally escape my eyes. "Yes. Honestly I would have you know I can't handle guilt I mean when you left I couldn't handle it even Lizzie saw how much of a mess I was." Boohoo I'm seb the consequences of my own actions upset me. Do you even feel bad?" I mock as he stand up getting in my face. "Of course I do I feel like shit ever since it happened I'm so sorry. All I want is for you to be able to forgive me." "It'll take time." "I'm your brother I'm prepared to wait, as long as it takes." I sigh lifting my hand up for him to sake which he gladly takes. "I'll try to forgive you okay." "Thank you that's all I ask." He smiles as i whipe my cheeks walking towards the door. "Tom you can open the door now." "Is seb dead?" I chuckle looking back at him. "Still alive." Seb laughs as Tom opens the door. I walk out and see Lizzie with a proud smile on her face. "How much did you hear?" "Every word." She smirks before leaning up and pecking my lips before stuffing her head into my chest. "So seb are you busy tomorrow?" "No why?" "Good I have a lot of furniture coming you can help us lift it." "I'll be here." I smile as Tom pulls his phone out. "So what are we doing now?" "Well I have to take the van back." "I think I'm going to head home then so I can clean up the mess you've left behind but I'll be here about 12 tomorrow to help." Tom laughs slipping his shoes on. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow then." "I'm going too but I'll be here tomorrow." Seb speaks up as I nod my head. We all say our goodbyes and I shut the door turning to Lizzie. "What are your plans?" "To come with you to take this van back then we could do something?" "What do you have in mind?" "We could go to the cinema?" "Sure sounds fun any idea what you want to watch?" I ask as i lock my door. "We could watch the new Star Wars?" "Since when we're you a Star Wars fan?" "Since forever." She laughs entwining her fingers with mine as we get in the elevator. "Okay let's do it." I reply as we step out. We walk downstairs and get into the van. We drop it off an order an Uber to the cinema. "Hi could I get two tickets for starwars the last Jedi please?" "Of course that's $22.50 please." The man smiled as I tapped my card on the reader. "That's all gone through here's your tickets and enjoy the movie." He smiled as I placed the tickets in my pocket. "Okay so what snacks do you want?" I asked as we made our way over to the machine. "No way you paid for the tickets I'm buying the food." "What do you want?" I laugh already selecting what I want. "I'm being serious if you pay I'll I don't know, I'll erm oh I know I won't see you for an entire week." She says sternly as I fight back a laugh. "Okay, no need for the threats I'll let you pay." I laugh moving out of the way. "Thank you." "Like you could stay away from me for an entire week." I tease as she scoffs. "Do you want to test that theory?" "Nope you're okay carry on miss Olsen" once she finishes up ordering we get our ticket and wait for our number to be called.

We get the food and make our way to our seats I put my popcorn down and lift the arm rest up between the chairs so I can put my arm around her without hurting myself. She snuggles into my side as I grab my popcorn. "Are you enjoying it so far?" I ask about half way into the movie. "I'm enjoying cuddling you more but yeah it's great I love Rey." She laughs quietly as I rub her back with a smile on my face.

Once the film finished we made our way outside as I held her hand and the flashes of paparazzi cameras blind us causing Lizzie to drop my hand. Okay that hurt. I tried to keep the smile on my face regardless so they didn't have anything against us. We got in an Uber and went back to my apartment, once we got through the door I slipped my shoes off and put my keys in the door locking it. "I'm sorry about before." She spoke up from behind me. "What do you mean?" I ask pretending to be clueless but I knew exactly what she meant. "For letting go of your hand, I saw your face and I'm sorry." "Why did you? Let go I mean." "No one knows me and Robbie have broke up so if they suddenly see me with someone else they'll start rumours about me that could potentially ruin my career." She explains as I just nod to show I'm listening. "I'm booked for an interview with Jimmy fallon on Thursday where I'll announce that the engagement is off so we will only have to wait a month or two before we can be seen like that." "Okay." "Okay?" "I want to be with you so if we have to keep this a secret for a little while I'm okay with that." I explain as she smiles up at me I lean down to place a chaste kiss on her lips while my hands rest of her waist and hers are behind my neck. "I would offer to take you home but my bikes at toms." "Can I just stay here tonight?" "See I told you you couldn't go without me for a week." I joke as she laps my arm. "Of course you can love."

We walk though to the bedroom and I go through the boxes pulling out two pairs of joggers and two T-shirt's. I went into the bathroom to get changed while liz got changed in the bedroom. I walked back in slipping into the bed placing a delicate kiss on her sweet lips. It started to get heated and I pulled away when breathing become an issue. I feel her start to place wet open mouthed kisses down my neck before swinging round so her legs are resting on either side of my hips. I feel her start to sway her hips as I lean up to take her T-shirt off. Shit ow. My stomach feels like it's burning as I fall back on the bed and her eyes worryingly search mine. "Can I take a look?" She asks softly as I shake my head. "Let me see." She ordered. "It's fine." "Y/n." She scoffs as her head tilted to the side. "Fine." I grunt as she helps me take my T-shirt off and I hear her gasp. "Oh my god." She instantly gets off of my lap. "It's fine." "Obviously it's not fucking fine why didn't you tell me it was this bad." She almost whispered as she ran a finger along the outside of the bruise. "It's fine honestly, I'll be back to normal in a week or so." I say softly running a hand up and down her back as she places a soft kiss on my stomach before helping me put my shirt back on. We lay back down in bed her back facing me as we spoon. "Y/n." "Yes daring." "Your friends poking me in the back." She snickered as I turned my waist. "Sorry, maybe if you didn't grind on me out of nowhere we wouldn't be having this problem." "Well if you weren't an idiot and didn't get injured maybe we could've done something about that problem." "I hate you." "Yeah I hate you too." She laughed as I cuddled closer placing an innocent kiss on her neck. "Goodnight love." "Goodnight baby."

A/n: ngl kinda hate this chapter I don't know why there's just something I don't like 😂.

Also today's question is what's your cinemas like because I described mine in the story we have like reclining chairs that have arm rests in between so you can lift them up they also have trays with cup holders in and you have to buy your food on a machine get a ticket and wait for them to call your number it's weird to be honest. Anyway have a good rest of the day ❤️.

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