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Beca and I sit in my room now and I'm happy nobody is home now. I smile to Beca and pull her with me towards my bed. Her eyes widen and she's holding back a little. 

,,Uhm Chlo, I don't think I'm ready for that yet, I -" I cut her off immediately.

,,Becs, don't worry about it. I wasn't trying to have sex here with you. You are here to watch a movie, right?" Beca nods. ,,Well, I thought it would be relaxing if we sit against the headboard of my bed." 

,,I'm sorry Chlo, for thinking that." She apologizes, but doesn't move. She's obviously ashamed. I hand her my hand, which luckily she takes. 

,,Now come here." I pull her a little closer towards my body. She looks into my eyes and just as I lean in, she looks down, so my kiss lands on her nose. She scrunch up her nose in such a cute way! I smile at her and release her hand so I can put some pillows against the headboard. Beca doesn't wait for me to extend my hand again and jumps on my bed, which she settles herself against the headboard. ,,Thanks for waiting." I say and sit on her right side. 

,,Which movie are we going to watch?" She asks me and look around the room. It's dark in here, but that's normal with a movie night. Only one small light is burning on my bedside table. 

,,Why don't you pick a movie? There's my rack with DVDs." I point to my rack next to the TV. Normally we would go to Beca's house to have this movie night, but Beca's siblings and parents couldn't make it, so we decided to go to my house. Here we will be all alone and I kinda want to be alone with Beca. Beca walks to the rack and goes with her finger over all the movies I have. 

,,Oh, my God!" She squeals and then picks a DVD out of the rank, startling me a little.

,,What? What's wrong?" She turns her gaze to me. 

,,You have Disney movies!" I've never seen her so excited before. ,,I only have Aladdin and Robin Hood, but you have a whole collection!" She gets up with Cinderella in her hands. ,,How did you know Disney movies are my favorite?" She crawls over towards me to lay against the headboard next to me again. 

,,I didn't, but I'm glad I do now." I smile at her. ,,You're adorable." I say and poke her side with my finger, which cause her to laugh. I love that sound and poke her again. 

,,No, don't do that. That tickles!" She exclaims and I can't hide the smile on my face.

,,What tickles?" I ask her and poke her again, and again, and again. I just love her laugh and it makes me happy. 

,,Chloe, stop!" I giggle and we both need to catch our breath. Suddenly I notice her lying beneath me and I start blushing, just like Beca does. I really want to kiss her right now, but Beca told me she wanted our relationship to go slow, so I sit back up against the headboard. Beca is in thoughts for a few seconds, before getting up to put Cinderella into the DVD player. I really like Cinderella, but I don't think I can pay attention to it. All I can think about right now is what happened ten seconds ago. I was lying on top of her and it felt great! I wanted to do so much to her. Not only kiss her... This is the first time that I want more than just to kiss Beca. I want to hold her close, preferably naked and kiss every inch of her body, but I don't think Beca is ready for that yet. 

The movie starts and in the beginning I follow every scene, but that's over the moment I look over towards Beca. She notice and turn her head to look at me.

,,You're not watching the movie." She says, a little confused. I was the one who wanted this movie night and now I don't watch the movie. That sound a little weird, but I can think of nicer things to do right now. I look at Beca's lips and notice she looks at mine too. Does that mean Beca wants to kiss me too? Or does she want to do more than kiss? Oh, my God! What if she wants to have sex? It will be our first time, but I'm ready. I start to lean in, just like Beca does. Her hand leans against my cheek and I can feel her breath on my lips...

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