Chapter 3: Hero in Redsidence(part 3)

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The friends made their way under the waters of a deep, vast ocean. They was looking for a Sea Temple, and they didn't see one in sight. At least, not yet.

"Temple's... that way...", Jack muttered, pointing in a certain direction. He was hesitating, which wasn't a good look on his first adventure with them.

"How?", Petra asked immediately. She was impressed for how he managed to know the directions from the back of his head. Jack looked at her and gave her a small smile as he replied, "compass"

He avoided doing too much, as he was afraid that Nikki was gonna do something again so he just started heading ahead of the group.

"Right! Oh, so cool!", Petra gushed. Jess gave her a nod before they swam after Jack, and followed him through the vast, deep ocean. It was hard to see, as it was near the bottom of the ocean. It was also quite cold, and it felt dark and uninviting. It didn't help that there were many Drowns nearby, but at least there was a few Glow Squid around so the group could at least see some parts around them. Eventually, after what felt like hours of swimming, they finally reached their destination at the Sea Temple. It huge, and the same color as Jesse's and Jess' gauntlets.

"Whoa...", Jess gasped in awe.

"There she is...", Jack muttered, already getting the horrible memories back of the Temple.

"Incredible!", Petra marveled. Nikki and Jesse themselves had to admit they were impressed. As they swam closer towards the temple, Nikki suddenly gasped as she noticed something moving in the depths of the ocean, right by the Sea Temple. Jesse noticed, and spotted the moving creature as well. It seemed to move close to it and at first, he couldn't recognize what it was until he saw it's glowing one eye. His eyes widen as he realized what it was. The others recognized it too. Jess dodged its laser beam and followed the others as they quickly swam towards the entrance of the Sea Temple.

"Jesse, behind you!", Petra warned. Jesse snatched out his sword, charged at the Guardian and swiped his sword at it, which killed it instantly. However, their troubles were far from over as more guardians took their places.

"We gotta move!", Nikki told everyone as they quickly swam up to the closed doors of temple, doing an empty slot on the door.

"There! That's where the gauntlet goes!", Jack informed the siblings as they swam towards the slot. Jack and Petra draw out their swords as the guardians drew closer. Once Jesse put his hand in the slot, the door started glowing in a bright green-blue color before a loud explosion erupted, which killed off all the guardians, and possibly any hostile mob in sight. The doors then finally opened for the group.

"Awesome!", Jess cheered.

"Thats amazin- AH!", Petra yelped, everyone ducking as a trident flew above their heads. They whipped their heads around, spotting Drowns swimming their way towards them.

"Quick! Get inside!", Nikki urged them, being the first to swim inside the Temple. The others followed behind her. As they swam, they suddenly heard a ruckus behind them. They turned to see a few sponges that same up and began sucking up the water until it was okay for them to take off the helmets and they did so gladly, gasping for air as they did.

"Now, if we're sure that we all have our limbs... how 'bout we find that structure block?", Jess said determinedly as she started talking down the hallway. The atmosphere was tense, dark, and unwelcoming. Petra was surprised at seeing Jess going ahead of the room despite of the place being dark and dimly lit. She figured that she had finally gotten over her fear of the dark. As they went, they stopped when four huge colossuses moving their heads as their eyes glowed brightly. This had waves of fear down the group's back, the colossuses looking like they're looking at them, almost like they was waiting for them to come.

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