Chapter 4: Giant Consequences

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Previously on Minecraft Story Mode Rewrite...

Old friends come in and move out in life, while new friends... show up to fill the space left behind...

We might not like it... but eventually everyone learns that nothing can escape change forever... no matter how fraught with danger it may seem, the lure of adventure cannot be denied. Sometimes the danger itself is the pull...

Some heroes just want to be the one to discover the next ancient secret. To wield strange new powers...

This new threat was more personal than everything they had came before and the fight for their lives shook the foundation of everything they thought possible...

But in the end, the town was saved. The heroes had won the day. And everyone could believe, for just one minute, that maybe things really hadn't changed at all.

And then that moment passed...

Everyone cowered in fear as they peered at the huge Colossus in front of their town. They were all confused, but moreover, they were all afraid. The siblings looked at each other in shook, surprised at why the Colossus was here, and what he wanted.

"GREETINGS, TINY PEOPLE. I... AM THE ADMIN", the Colossus announced, making everyone cover their ears from how loud he is. Jesse and Petra shared worried looks. "SORRY, THAT WAS PROBABLY REALLY LOUD TO YOUR PATHETIC, TINY EARS"

"What does that mean? What does it WANT?", panicked a citizen.

"'Admin'", repeated another citizen.

"Is it... what is that thing?", questioned another.

"I'm beyond scared right now!", Radar gulped as he held his head in fright.

"Welp, guess Jack's eye wasn't enough for it", Petra commented.


"What's going on?", someone asked. "W-Where'd it come from?"

"Whatever your beef is with us, keep our town out of it", Jesse growled up at the Colossus. "They didn't do anything wrong!"

"IT'S HARD TO HEAR WITH YOUR TINY VOICE FROM DOWN THERE", the Colossus simply replied before he went next to a high building. "COME, SPEAK WITH ME FACE-TO-FACE"

"Oh, boy...", Petra muttered.

"'Admin?' Have you ever heard of such a thing?", questioned a citizen.

"Jesse..? Jess..? Nikki..? What's going on here?", Radar speculated, going up to the siblings and showing his concerns.

"'Gauntlet-Bearer?'", Stampy repeated. "That's al rather suspicious, isn't it?"

"No kidding...", Stacy agreed.

"I don't like it, no sir, I don't like it!", cried someone nearby.

"Uh, everyone! Everyone! Hi!", Jess awkwardly said, grabbing everyone's attention. "There's nothing to worry about. The... giant Prismarine Colossus and I are going to work this out and everything can get back to normal, I swear!"

"Okay... so... an 'Admin.' A huge colossus at our door?", said a citizen as he shook with fear.

"I'm all right with not freaking out. Yet", added another.

"You three are going to fix this, right..?", someone asked. The siblings looked at the Colossus waiting patiently for them, but they could tell it was getting impatient seeing how it crossed its arms.

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