Chapter 10: Below the Bedrock

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Previously on Minecraft: Story Mode Rewrite...

'The Admin.' A villain who can become anyone with a wave of his hand. How do you face a foe who's never exactly as he seems?

Do you hide who you really are? Not everybody can face a trickster head on. Some.. join him. Others put on a brave face when they're scared.

No matter what, encountering that kind of evil changes you. It can turn you into.. a hero? Or.. something else..

If there's a lesson to be learned. It's to be careful when you get close to an Admin. You never know what might happen.. if you dig too deep..

The friends heard the sounds of thunder as they ventured deeper and deeper into this strange, unknown world.. just the atmosphere and the eerie sounds was enough to send shivers down Jesse's spine but he didn't say anything, continuing to lead the group. Once they've made it to the bottom, Jesse took a look around their surroundings as Jess began to check is everyone was doing alright so far.

"Do we have everyone? Everybody safe?", she asked.

"Yeah.. everybody except Nurm. Can't believe you left him behind for some useless llama.", Jack scoffed. Jesse immediately rolled his eyes at his remark.

"She's not some 'useless llama!'", Radar protested.

"Looks pretty useless to me."

"Stop it. You're hurting her feelings."

"She can't understand a word I'm saying."

"Come on, Jack. Give Lluna a chance.", Jess sighed. "She could be a big help if you let her."

"I'll believe it when I see it!", he scowled.

"You mind shutting up for at least five minutes? Nurm sacrificed himself down there, he wouldn't want to see his 'other half' constantly getting at my sister's throat over it!", Nikki spat, crossing her arms in annoyance.

Jack was taken aback by her sudden response, however it somehow made him more angrier. "You don't know Nurm like I do! How'd you like it if I push your brother over here then claim to say 'oh! He wanted it, he sacrificed himself for it!' YOU wouldn't like that would you?! Would that make YOU any better?!"

The siblings were shocked by his words. Nikki clenched her fists, glaring at him. She felt so tempted to punch him, but she managed to control herself. "You're acting like we can't go back for him once this is all over. Stop acting like a bitchy little toddler for once and actually help the group instead of complaining and crying over shit we cannot change!"

"Oh easy for you to say.", Jack scoffed. "Not only have you taken the last person that I've ever loved from me, but you've been acting like a bitch the entire time."

"Me? I'M the one acting like a bitch?!", Nikki growled, her eyes starting to glow. "At least I'm not the one trying to make up fake ass stories to impress everyone! At least I'M not the one acting like I'm the only one who's been through shit!"

She was just about to come closer when Ray stepped in between them to intervene. "Guys, that's enough. Please, don't fight, especially while the Admin is still roaming around.", he said. Jesse grabbed his little sister by the wrist and pulled her away. Part of him wanted to see what would've happened if they let them go off. Nikki rolled her eyes, staying by her brother's side.

Jess was a little shaken about the events but didn't say another word, going next to Xara as she looked into the unknown world ahead of them. They weren't on the ground exactly and seemed to be standing in a tower.

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