Chapter 6: Giant Consequences(part 3)

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The friends all together ran inside the room, looking around the room. Just as they all jumped inside, the doors closed, locking them inside. They were in some kind of magma room, with magma and cacti up above them. Radar was finally freed from being trapped floating midair, but he tripped and stepped onto some pressure plates.

"Don't worry guys, everything is A-O-K- oh! Oooh, oh no, oh no...", he tried to assured them but it didn't helped much as his friends saw the danger he was in. The poor intern was taken into the air again and this time, he was now levitating up towards the scene! The rest of them tried to run after him but were stopped by the floors opening, revealing the rushing waters below

"This is not good! We have to do something", Lukas said. Nikki already was looking around the room in hopes of finding a way for her friend to make it out safely.

"The door! You have to get to the door!", Nikki told him from below, but the intern was stuck on the ceiling, unable to move.

"Radar's stuck. He can't- he's not going to make it!", Jess gasped, covering her mouth in horror.

"Well? We can't just stand here!", Nikki then shouted, running towards the same pressure plates Radar stepped on.

"Nikki, wait-.", Jesse said, trying to catch up to his sister but it was must too late and she hopped on the pressure plates. A Shulker revealed itself from hidden pistons and hit her with its bullet. She winced slightly in pain as she was lifted into the air. She dodged the incoming series of magma blocks and arrows and looked up at Radar, who was panicking.

"Radar! The door!", she told him as she flew up beside him.

"Nikki... Nikki, I just had a thought. Maybe... maybe I can do this!", Radar replied as Nikki took his hand. The intern blushed slightly at this. "Maybe I AM a hero!"

With her help, they flew right at the door but that's when disaster stuck and they were both hit by a magma block, sending them right towards the ground. Nikki groaned, landing on the ground just a block away from the waters, however Radar wasn't so lucky and he fell right into the waves and got sucked up by one of the water tunnels.

"Radar!! No!!", Nikki bellowed, watching him disappear from sight as the others joined her.

"This... this is impossible...", Jesse said, staring down at the waters.

"Radar, oh notch...", Jess muttered.

"We have to save him!! NOW!!", their youngest sister  then growled, letting her anger getting the best of her. Jess noticed and rubbed her back to help her calm down.

"How are we supposed to find him?!", Petra asked quickly. "He could be anywhere!"

"We BREAK our way to him then! I'm sick and tired of playing the admin's STUPID little games!", Nikki spat. "I don't care if we have to break this place down bit by bit!!"

"Okay! Okay!", Jesse said, startled by his sister's tone. "Hm... the Admin did told us to go through his stupid challenge... but maybe we can find another way?"

Suddenly, they heard a familiar Llama nearby. Everyone looked at each other, wondering if the other had heard as well.

"Did anyone?-."Lukas asked. Jess walked towards the iron wall and placed her ear on the wall to hear what's on the other side, concluding that it was a Llama!

"Lluna! She's on the other side!", she gasped.

"If that llama can get to the other side of the wall then so can we!", Nikki declared. Jesse looked at Jess, who shrugged before he he hit his fist on the wall. He groaned and withdrew his fist in pain as the mining fatigue spell started to take its effect on him.

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