Chapter 3: Mine

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??? POV

I stayed by the house all night as the girl stayed sleeping in her room. I had lost interest in Laurie as I watched my new obsession sleep peacefully.

The sun started to rise and I noticed the tired boyfriend getting up. He left the couch and went up the stairs in a tired manner.

I watched him with daggers as he crawled into the bed with my girl. The only good thing about this is now I can go around their house and see what I can find.

Crawling through the window I noticed some papers laying on the table. They seemed to be a mix of bills and letters about moving. The only good thing they told me was the names of the house owners.

Y/N and David. Y/N, what a cute name and David, the name of a dead man.

I could hear sounds from upstairs. It was Y/N and she sounded like she was scared.

I stayed quiet as usual as I rushed up the stairs to aid her. I went into her room to see her sleeping. She was moving around and struggling in her sleep. Must have been a nightmare.

Luckily not a nightmare about Krueger. He knows better than to come to Haddonfield.

David started to twist in the bed as
Y/N's movement woke him up. I could have killed him right there and helped her myself but I'm sure she wouldn't like waking up to a dead man next to her.

I took the time I had to get out of the house and back into the back yard so I can still watch her. I looked up at the window to see a painful sight.

He was hugging her. Jealousy was a new feeling for me and I wasn't sure what I was feeling at first. Rage filled my lungs and I knew David had to go and he had to go fast.

Once he left she seemed to have noticed me watching. I left but made sure to stay close by. Just out of view.

Not long later, the two went over to the neighbors house. I already knew they weren't home but I followed them anyway.

I stood across the street and Y/N looked back at me. She could feel me nearby. Even i felt like we were connected to eachother.

David caught her attention and gave me time to move without anyone looking. She seemed startled by me. I didnt want her scared for it was her brave side that caught my attention. I had to find a way to approach her and make her know she is my pet now.

The two started walking back to their house but he had his arm around her. She even nuzzled into him. I couldn't help but clench my fists. That should be me there. I should be holding her. No one else.


The whole day seemed to fly by as i waited for something to happen. I went up the stairs to find something to do but a scream caught my attention. David's footsteps sprinted up the stairs and to where I was.

He grabbed onto me and pushed me into a closet with him.

"Police should be on their way, I saw him. Michael, Michael Myers from the story. I know its him." He seemed more scared then I had been.

We both sat still and waited for cops to come. Loud footsteps marched up the stairs and around the top floor.

"Is anyone there?" A males voice spoke. "Michael is gone, you have to get out of here is he's stalking you."

I felt weird about the voice at first. What if it was Michael just trying to lead us out of hiding?

My thought was soon changed when I heard more people.

'This is the police, come out now." A different voice spoke.

That was enough to convince me and I left hiding with David. We came out of the room to see two police officers and a older man already inside.

"My name is doctor Loomis, Michael escaped the hospital less than a week ago and I fear he may be hunting you two." The doctor was straight to the point.

"What do we do?" David asked.

"Usually we would say stay here and be surrounded by officers but I think I have a better plan." Dr. Loomis thought for a moment before continuing. "Theres a camp not to far from here, if we set up traps there and stay away from other people maybe Michael will kill less and we would have a jump on him giving that we wouldn't be in Haddonfield."

I felt like everything was moving to fast but I wasn't going to deny Dr. Loomis. I had already seen Michael up close and he has been stalking me since I got here.

"If that's what we need to do to be safe, count me in." I was unsure of this plan is what I want but once they catch Michael I'm sure we would be able to come back home.

"Where is the camp?" David questioned.

"Its called Camp Crystal Lake. It's been abandoned so there will be no people there to get in our way." Dr. Loomis answered.

The name of the camp seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out where I've heard of it before. I feel like it was on the news at some point but why would the news care about some abandoned camp?

We were givin time to pack our things and get ready to leave. The road trip shouldn't take long but I guess that's a good and bad thing. The good part is not being in a car for long, the bad part is being anywhere near Michael.

This was the only test we had to see how determined Michael was to getting us.


Before I get any comments saying 'mmmmmm Haddonfield and camp crystal lake aren't close to eachother' shhhhh i know, it's just for the story

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