Chapter 7: On The Run

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The light footsteps seemed lost as they marched around the tunnels. A part of me wanted to call out but the other part of me felt unsafe. It was odd feeling more safe with Jason then mysterious footsteps.

The door to the room I was in slowly creeped open and in came a man I wasn't expecting.

"David?" Slight excitement filled me before remembering what he did to me.

"Y/N! You're still alive? Come on I'm going to get you out of here." He said as he saw i was handcuffed.

I watched as David ran around the room. He couldn't seem to find a key but he did find a hammer.

"Stay back..." I tucked myself in the corner while david started to hit the chains with all his force.

The bent and folded until they were weak enough to come off. My arms were free but my hands were still in the cuffs. Only a few chains were linked on each hand. David grabbed me and basically dragged me out of the room.

"How do we get out of here?" He asked as we ran through the various tunnels.

"How would I know?" I did my best to keep up with him but my legs felt weak after not using them for a while.

We ran until a loud thump came from the other end of the tunnel. Jason was here.

Our feet went faster as we sprinted through the dark halls until we found some sort of hatch. David lifted me up as the heavy footsteps of Jason filled the halls as he rushed to where we were.

I found myself outside in the middle of the woods. David came up behind me and we took a moment to look around and try to grasp on where we were. Even though the sun was up, the trees covered it and made the forest dark and spooky.

I moved first, picking a random direction to run but David screamed before he could follow. I glanced back to see a man in a white mask holding David by the throat.

"Michael...?" I stumbled down into the ground when I realized Michael had actually followed us. "No, no dont kill him."

My voice seemed to catch his attention as his grip loosened on David's throat. I thought we both might get out before David's blood started to leak. Jason had caught up and had his machete sliced straight through David's back.

Michael threw him down to the ground and looked at Jason. The two masked men looked at eachother for a second before returning their gaze to David. It was like they had a small agreement.

Michael grabbed onto his knife and plunged it into David's chest. Jason took his machete and sliced through David's belly, making him scream in terror.

"Help me!" He screamed out as the two sliced him to bits.

"Maybe if you didn't dress like an asshole, this wouldn't happen to you." I said remembering the words he said to me before.

I took the time to run from the serial killers. Through trees and bushes i found myself more lost than I was before. No matter how far I went, everything looked the same. I was either going to die out here from a killer or die from nature itself.

My legs felt weak and my stamina was decreasing by the second. The trees around me all looked the same and blocked the sun, making my skin turn cold. I was at a complete loss, no where to run. Not like I could run anymore. Its already been what I assume to be around an hour and David's death is now just sinking in.

I let him die. I cowardly ran away while he was being ripped apart like a dog toy. He did try to do awful things to me so in a way I was using that fact to ease my guilt. As my mind wandered about what I've done, my feet stumbled against a new surface.

Gravel crunched under my shoes as I found a new energy in me. Excitement overcame me once I found the road. How? I have no idea. It was pure luck that I found anything in the woods without getting killed by a murderer.

I was now set on the new journey of following the road. I had higher hopes now knowing that I can live this but my muscles still ached as I walked.

All the hope i acquired was once again diminishing as the road went on and on. Each step just felt more painful than the last and the trees no longer covered the sun which burned against my skin.

My legs couldn't take it any longer and I collapsed against the ground. I pushed my weak body to the side of the road, once more covered by the trees shade. Tears fell from my eyes, I was lost on a random road in the middle of no where and no one is coming to get me.

The familiar feeling of eyes watching me washed over me. Was Michael or Jason back to get me? I could only hope not. Or maybe hope they are, if they caught me i would either die and end my misery or be taken back to that hideout Jason had. Looking back at it that wasn't that bad, besides being handcuffed and traumatized.

I was giving up, giving my life to whoever was watching me. That was until a voice called me back to reality.

"Y/N? Oh my God you're still alive..."

I opened my eyes to see a way out of this damn forest.



Hi there
Sooooo who do you think the voice is?
I'll have the next chapter out hopefully soon :)

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