Chapter 8: Hideout

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"Doctor Loomis...?" My voice sounded weak as the man rushed to me from a truck.

"Come along," he helped me up to my feet, "we have to get out of here."

He lead me back to the truck and sat me down in the passenger seat. It took little time for him to go around to the drivers seat and set off down the road.

"I thought you were dead," he started a conversation. "How did You survive?"

"I'm not sure, I thought everyone else at the cabins was dead." My eyes started to grow heavy and Doctor Loomis realized.

"Well you should get some sleep, I'll keep you safe."

"Thank you..." I let my body have its way and drifted off into sleep.


"How is she still alive?" Asked a new voice.

I kept my eyes shut and pretended to stay asleep as I listened into the conversation. I could tell that I was no longer in the truck, I was on a couch. Who's couch though?

"I'm not sure but I feel like something happened that she's not telling me about." I could recognize doctor Loomis' voice.

"We'll have to ask her more questions when she wakes up..." the females sentence trailed off.

A strange sound emitted from another room. I could tell it was close but something felt strange about it. Like someone ment for it to happen.

Faint footsteps walked towards the sound and I peaked my eyes open to see what was happening. I could see woman dressed like a nurse but I wasn't in a hospital. She must have been dressed like this for a while givin that the uniform was messy with little splotches of dirt here and there.

"Wait, it might be Michael." Doctor Loomis held his hand out to stop the nurse from going through a door way. Right next to the door way was a staircase. I could barley see it though, everything in the room was dark.

I must have slept the rest of the day away for there was no longer a sun in the sky to help my vision. Instead there was a small desk lamp next to my head. That was the only thing light up. Thats when it clicked, we were hiding in a basement.

My eyes swiftly shut when doctor Loomis turned around towards me. I could see the red on the back of my eyes lids from the light until I heard a click and it went completely black. Even when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see a thing. Doctor Loomis must have switched the light off, he must be trying to hide.

Something from inside felt like it was screaming. I was scared, shaking to the bones from what was going to come at me from the darkness. My heart skipped a beat when a light flickered through the room.

At first I was confused but then another light flickered. Thats when I realized there were windows at the top of the basement walls and cars were driving by.

"No... no oh shit-" the nurse broke the silence right as a car drove by, letting me see why she was reacting such a way.

Michael stood in the basement, towering over the nurse with his knife stabbed straight through her stomach. He easily lifted her up off the ground and held her in front of his face so he could watch the life drain from her eyes.

"Michael!" Doctor Loomis yelled out next to me.

Adrenaline kicked in and I sat straight up, looking at the masked man in terror before the car light was gone and we were left in the dark unable to see anything once again. I was completely relying on my hearing at this point. The only sounds around me were small clicks from where Loomis was standing.

The next sounds explained the clicking and made my heart stop as the room light up for half a second with a loud bang. Loomis had shot a gun at Michael.

Another car drove by and showed Michael still standing in the room. His legs moved forward towards Loomis with his hands up, ready to grab the doctors neck.

"No Michael wait!" I called out, hoping to save his life. Loomis did afterall save me from that damn forest road in the middle of nowhere.

The car drove away and I was once again waiting for a sound. I was expecting to hear Loomis struggling but there was nothing. That was until I felt large hands gripped tightly around my waist and pull me up off the ground, making a light squeak leave my mouth.

I was held tightly like I was a bride and it didn't take long for me to realize who was holding me. The masculine frame was no doctor. My suspensions were soon proved right when a car drove by, showing the white emotionless mask above me.

Michael carried me quickly up the stairs. I didn't recognize where we were but I also didn't have a lot of time to figure it out. Michael took me out of the house into the cold air while I heard Loomis calling out to me from the basement. Why did Michael leave him alive? It felt off for him to just leave and the fact that I was still alive as well left me puzzled.

Michael took me through the back door of the house. I could see some faint light from the moon and also from street lights. Loomis' voice was now to far away to hear.

I struggled in Michael's arms but as I expected, he was to strong for me to escape. At this point I was giving up, I had already fought my way away from Jason and now Michael had me. Every muscle I had felt weak and at this point all I could do was give up.

Instead of fighting now I could just wait for Michael to release me. He would have to eventually right? Maybe he would put me down somewhere to pick a weapon to kill me with. It was all down to luck by this point.

I just figured that now while I couldn't move and was being carried to who knows where I could try to comfort myself. Instead of struggling I just pushed my body against Michael, using his body heat to extinguish the cold. As I did so, he put his arm around me in a calm matter. No longer holding me as a hostage but holding me as a prize. I hate to say it but I was feeling comfortable in his arms. His now gentle and light arms kept me warm in the moonlight night.


I actually really like this chapter and hopefully I'll get to writing more chapters of this story
So I'll see you soon :)

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