Chapter 23: Reunion

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"Michael." Was the only word I could say as a smile tugged at the ends of my lips.

My smile faded when I saw the only man left standing. He had a gun in his hands and it was trained on Michael. The man's hand was grasped around the gun tightly, so tight that his knuckles turned white and I could swear I saw his veins. I already watch Jason get killed, I can't stand watching the same happen to Michael.

I wasn't thinking. Nothing but stupid thoughts filled my mind and instincts took over. I stood in front of Michael. Sure the man will shoot me without a problem but at least I wouldn't have to deal with the trauma of watching Michael get shot.

Hands quickly grabbed onto me in a protective manner. Michael had obviously tried to save me but no one can dodge a bullet. I closed my eyes and waited for whatever pain I was going to feel.

"Stop." A female voice replaced the gunshot I was expecting to hear.

I opened my eyes to see a familiar face. I've only seen her a few times before and she never liked me.

"Mrs.Lawson?" A mix of fear and disgust dripped from my voice. It was David's mother. She was the reason I was here.

"Give me the gun." She kept her eyes on Michael and I as she approached the man.

"But I-"

"Give me the gun." She had a calm voice as she cut him off.

He reluctantly complied and handed her the gun which was instantly aimed towards us again. This was different though. The man would shoot to kill but I have a feeling this psycho wants to make us suffer.

"Why? Why would you murder my son? He loved you..." what she was saying was sad but her voice stayed calm. It caught me off guard how chill she was.

"Your son was a rapist, he never loved me he just loved what I could give him." I found enough courage in me to say those words.

"Hope that was worth it. Now I'm in control." Her words were instantly proven wrong when a loud scream filled the room as a body got thrown through the door.

The distraction caught her attention long enough for Michael to grab onto her hand with the gun. She struggled against him but his grip was tight. He was angry... very angry.

I looked around them just in time to see Jason walk through the door. He was covered in blood and still had his trusty machete in his hand.

"Jason!" I basically screamed out as I ran over to him, tackling him with a hug.

"I thought you died-" I sobbed into his shoulder. Jason's free hand wrapped around my waist. A huff came from Michael. Jealous boy.

"You bitch!" A male voice with the same familiarity as Mrs. Lawson spoke up. I let go of Jason and looked over to see it happened to be her husband. Mr. Lawson was all cut up and I'm sure Jason wasn't done with him.

Jason didn't like the insult he threw at me and charged towards the man on the ground. He screamed like a baby when Jason started chopping at his arms that he held up with defense with his machete.

"No!" Mrs. Lawson yelled out just to be punished by Michael. I looked over just in time to see him break her arm that he had a grasp on. She let out sobs and looked like she might faint.

"I was supposed to kill you..." she whined out before Michael shoved his knife straight throught the back of her neck, killing her instantly. Her knees went limp and the rest of her body fell down to the ground. Michael let go of her arm and tilted his head as he stared at his newest kill.

Jason went on to kill the husband right after with a foot to his face. His foot went straight through his skull, splattering pieces of him around the floor.

I thought everything was fixed but there was still one big issue. The two killers started staring eachother down. Neither looked like they were going to back down from eachother.

"No not again." I whispered to myself. I don't want to be a pick me but this is forcing me into the role.

Michael was going straight in for a slash but I wasn't going to watch them do this again. I grabbed onto his arm before he could continue to go after Jason.

"Stop it, you two can't keep fighting eachother." I looked between the two. "Listen I'm not going to stick around whoever 'wins this fight' I wouldn't be able to handle one of you two dying."

They both stared at me. The room fell quiet for a minute as I thought carefully on what to say next.

"I think I need to pick one... you two can't keep fighting eachother like this." Is this the best option? I wasn't sure. I love both of them but I can not continue to be kidnapped between the two. Even if I picked one, would the other leave? I wasn't sure and now I was over thinking my decision.

The two men seemed to be thinking. Each one seemed confident enough in my love for them to agree to the plan with a simple nod. Now I had to be ready to break one of their heart. If they even had a heart.

"I pick..."


Now the choice is yours
Michael or Jason? There will be two more chapters of this book and you can either read both or make your choice

I'm honestly so sad this book is ending soon but don't worry I still have many other books and I also want to write my own Michael Myers X Reader:)

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