Chapter 14: Hiding

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I ran until I could barley walk. It felt like I was running for hours. I wanted to go back and see if Jason was ok but somewhere I got lost. Now I was in the middle of nowhere with no clue where I could go. To make things worse, rain started falling from the sky. My clothing was already drenched within minutes.

The only thing I could find was what seemed to be an abandoned high way. It was large but there wasn't a single car on it. Which was unfortunate for me.

My body felt like it was breaking down, I was dehydrated and starving. My eyes light up when I saw a bright blue board on the side of the road. At first I was nervous thinking it was just an ad but I regained some energy when I read it.

'Bates Motel'

"Thank God..." I whispered to myself as I trudged forward to the motel.

It was a peaceful motel but there wasn't a single car there besides one that was close to the large staircase that lead up to a huge house. It looked stunning.

I quickly reached for my pockets to search for money. I only had a few dollars, I hope this is enough.

Walking up to the front desk I felt my heart drop. It was all dark and there wasn't a person in sight.

I peaked in through the locked door. "Shit..." I whispered when I didn't see anyone who could help me.

"S-sorry miss, I didn't see anyone out here." A male voice made me jump.

"Didn't mean to scare you," a man approached and unlocked the office door, "I'm Norman, Norman Bates."

"Nice to meet you a Norman, do you own the place?" I asked as I followed him inside.

"Yes, i-it's a family business." He stuttered. "Do you need a room?"

"Yes please, I was wondering how much rooms were here. Unfortunately I don't have that much money." I stated the truth, hoping his sympathy could get me a room.

"Its Ok, since the highway got closed down less people come by here so what you have is just fine." He started typing on a computer. "Whats your name and how long will you be staying?"

I couldn't say my real name, the cops were already looking for me so I lied. "I'm Marion Leigh and I'll only stay a night."

Norman peaked behind me and looked outside, "d-did you walk here?"

I had to answer right, if I said anything to suspicious he might call the cops on me. I could have been over exaggerating but I had to be careful.

"My husband dropped me off, he'll be back in the morning." I lied.

"Ok Mrs. Leigh." he seemed disappointed, "here I'll give you the first room." He turned away from me for a second, grabbing a key off the wall and placing it on the table for me to grab.

"Thank you Norman." I smiled as I took the key.

"And Marion," Norman looked at me. I almost didn't react from that not being my name but I caught on and looked at him. "Theres no real place near here to eat... My mother and I can make a dinner for you if you'd like."

I thought for a second and considered not eating so I wasn't an inconvenience but there's no way I would be able to last the night with no food. "If it's no problem then I would love some food."

Norman let out a cute chuckle, "No problem at all, mother love to make food for guests. Hope you don't mind that she won't come here to meet you, she's a little confused sometimes so it's safe for her to stay in the house."

"Thats fine, thank you." I smiled as we went out and up the many stairs to the house at the top.

While he was out I took the time to look at the room. Luckily I didn't get wet again from the rain because of the ledge over the building from the office to the room door. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

The room had a warm glow which made it quite relaxing and sweet. It had a bed in the middle and a small bathroom on the opposite side of the door. I didn't have any luggage to unpack so I could skip that part of getting a hotel room. Now that I think of it, I'm happy Norman didn't ask me why I had no luggage.

While waiting for Norman to return, I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I was so stressed about everything that was happening. Every thought I had contradicted another. Just remembering that Michael was dead hurt. I couldn't stop thinking about how he died, was is fast? Slow? Painful? I would never know unless someone tells me but I'm so cut off from the world now.

I also couldn't help but think if Jason would be able to find me. He's all I have now, if he can't find me then I would have to find him and I don't think I can do that.

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. "Dinners ready Mrs. Leigh." I could hear Norman's voice on the other side.

I quickly got up and went back into the office. Norman led me to a back area that was filled with taxidermy. He handed me a plate with a sandwich on it.

"Thank you." I took the plate and started to eat. He had brought his own sandwich as well to eat with me.

"So Marion," Norman started speaking, "What are you doing all the way out here with your husband?"

"I uh well-" I had to think up another lie, "he had a job interview and we took this route. I decided to stay here when I saw the motel instead of continuing to drive."

"I see..." he trailed off when headlights filled the windows. "Excuse me, there might be another guest."

Norman stood up and went to the front desk while I stayed back to eat. I was nervous about who was here but I'm sure I could just hide in my room until morning.



Hi 👋
I hope you're liking the story :)
I had a quick question for anyone who wants to answer.
I'm working on a Thomas Hewitt X Reader and I haven't posted any of it yet because I tend to get stressed out when I need to update things... so the question is if I post it will people read it?

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