Chapter 17: Disturbance

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Michael slowly pushed open the door as he braced himself. At first all I could see was a gun.

"I knew you'd come back here Michael." A familiar voice spoke before I saw his face.

Dr. Loomis walked through the door with a gun in his hand, "just give the girl to me Michael, she doesn't deserve to be thrown around in the middle of this."

He spoke calmly but after each word Michael's hand grew tighter around mine. He was slowly pushing back behind him, away from Dr. Loomis.

"You should leave." I said quietly to the doctor, "I'm fine here just leave."

I wanted to save his life but Michael had other plans.

"I'm not leaving you here with this monster." Dr. Loomis bravely stepped forward.

"I am taking the girl and the cops will come and arrest you Michael." He stepped in my direction.

Right when he was in the house, Michael made his move. He slashed at the doctor with his knife, cutting his arm and making him bleed. Loomis instantly stepped back and held his ark while his back pushed up against the wall.

"Fine Michael," Dr. Loomis held his fist tightly around the gun, "if you want to play this the hard way then let's do it."

"No!" I screamed out when he shot the gun at Micheal.

The bullet went right through his shoulder, blood splattering on everything behind him. Michael made a pained sound, just a small grunt but that sound still broke my heart.

"Goodbye Michael." Dr. Loomis held the gun up to his face.

Michael couldn't get close enough to slash at him. But I could.

I used my small advantage to push the doctors arms, making him miss the shot. The gun fell off to the side and I was going to grab it before he did. Before I could move towards it though, a knife went straight in front of me.

Dr. Loomis slowly turned to look at me with betrayal. A knife was cut straight through his skull and even cutting into the wall behind him. Blood spilled all over, painting the room red. I watched as the life drained from his eyes and his body went limp.

My eyes teared up from the overwhelming feeling of guilt. Though I didn't kill him by my own hands, I helped in his murder. All he wanted to do was help me and I got him killed, all for a serial killer. The look in his eyes before he died will never leave me.

My body started to fall to the ground as I did my best to hide from my newly found guilt. Michael caught me before I was on the ground and lifted me up. He carried me to the couch and slowly set me down.

I was laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling. Michael was on his knees next to me. His hand was slightly brushing my hair and wiping my tears away. His breathing was loud against the mask as he kept himself close to me.

Michael then left my side to tend to his own wound. He undid the top of his suit to reveal his shot shoulder. It was bleeding but started bleeding even more when Michael just reached in and grabbed the bullet like it was nothing.

"Micheal don't do that. It might get infected." Here I was once again playing doctor and pretending like I knew what I was doing. Michael left and I assume he went to grab a med kit.

He soon came back with stitching supplies, something to clean out the wound, and bandages. He sat next to the couch and handed me alcohol. This will hurt like a bitch but at least it would clean the bullet wound.

I poured it on a cloth and began to dab it on his skin with one hand. Michael held onto my other hand and squeezed it when he was in pain. I went as fast I could to clean it out but also stop hurting him.

Once I was done he grabbed onto a needle and started to give himself stitches. Normally I would have felt sick just to watch this but after this whole time I've gotten use to gore.

Poor Michael must have been doing all of this himself for who knows how long. He must know a lot about wounds by now. Why was he still using me to clean him and wrap him up? I wasn't sure but maybe it was his way of setting up a precious moment between us.

Once he finished the stitches he handed me the bandages. I covered his stitched up wound so it wouldn't get hit or hurt by something or someone else.

If it was Michael's plan to have me help him to grow closer then it was working. I felt like he needed me even though deep down I know he didn't. I've grown fond of the killer over this time, even after I've seen him do his work.

After he was all bandaged up, he pulled himself off of the ground and left me on the couch. The front door was close to me and I could just run out of it. Michael trusted me not to and I couldn't imagine running away now. I stayed put and waited for Michael to return to me.

Soon enough he did and handed me a plate of food. It was just toast but after all of that I was getting hungry.

Michael sat at my feet like a puppy as he expectedly waited for me to eat. I took a bite and held a thumb up.

"Thank you Michael." I thanked him as I ate the food.

He seemed cheerful before getting up and leaving me there to eat. It was a new experience seeing Michael with any type of emotion but I could get use to seeing that one.


Sorry for the wait on this chapter
I was having some writer's block and I still kind of am tbh
I'll still have the next chapter out as soon as I could :)

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