Chapter 2: Nightmares Become Reality

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"Hey! Hey wake up." I felt my limp body being shaken.

I opened my eyes to see David kneeling over me on the bed.

"What?" I asked slightly pissed off at the rude awakening.

"You were having a nightmare." His words made me think of last night.

Maybe it was just a nightmare about Michael in my room. He would have killed me if he was really there. I hate that David's damn story got to me like that.

"Don't worry, I'll never let nightmares get to you. Even if Freddy Krueger is in them." David pulled me into a tight hug. Tight enough to where i almost stopped breathing but I enjoyed the gesture.

"Thanks tough guy." I chuckled a bit as he let go of me.

"I was going to wake you soon anyway," David changed the conversation, "I'm going to the neighbors house today and wondered if you would like to come."

I had to think about it for a second, I'm not a big fan of meeting new people but its always handy to be friends with the neighbors.

"Sure." I answered.

"Ok, we'll leave after breakfast." David scurried out of the room and I could tell he went to the kitchen by listening to his footsteps.

As I sat up in the bed I stretched my arms out and closed my eyes to ease into the stretch. Once I opened my eyes I noticed a figure standing in the same spot in the back yard as before. I stood up from the bed to take a closer look out the window but once I got there the figure was gone. Must be my imagination.

My foot steps echoed through the house as I made my way down the stairs. I turned the corner to see David had made cereal for the both of us.

"We can go meet the Strodes after we eat." David said as I sat down at the table across from him.

"The Strodes?"

"The neighbors." He clarified.

I nodded and started eating breakfast. I would have liked to cook something for the both of us but because we are still moving it, we don't have a lot of food in the kitchen. All we really have are snacks that don't need to be cold or heated up.

It didn't take long for us to eat. Most of the time we stayed quiet until we both finished our breakfast and it was time to go.

I got dressed up before I followed David out of the house and to the neighbors. He rang the door bell and we waited for the Strodes to answer.

While waiting I couldn't help but feel eyes on me. I turned around to see if anyone was there and my eyes caught a man on the other side of the road.

He was far away so I couldn't fully see his features but something told me that it was Michael. I could just be over thinking it but I felt it in my gut that it was Michael Myers watching me.

"Maybe they're busy..." David looked over at me and must have noticed I seemed scared. "Are you ok?"

"What? Oh yeah... I'm fine." I turned to look at him.

My eyes left David and looked back to where the man was standing but he was gone.

"Come on, let's go home." David put his arm around me, "we can try to stop by later to see if they're back home."

I nodded and felt safe with David around. I nuzzled into his warm embrace as we walked back to our home.

??? POV

Laurie Strode. I have kept my eyes on her for a few days. I'm not obsessed with her but I want to watch her lifestyle so I know how to make her scream.

Victims screams make me feel alive. They have an affect on me like no other.

As I watched my next victim go home I noticed she had new neighbors moving in. Thats a perfect way to get in her head, Kill her neighbors.

So that's what I set out to do. I stood outside when the sun started to set and watched the female getting ready for bed. She looked at me.

I stood in her yard and watched her. Her eye contact felt different. I had no emotions and will never have emotions but I felt something different.

When she looked away I played my game and walked out of sight. All I had to do now was find a way in and kill her in her sleep. Patience was key but that was no problem to me.

In exactly 2 hours I found a way in the house through a window. Who i assume is her boyfriend was in the living room, it looked like he was watching something but fell asleep on the couch.

I left the TV on as it was a good cover for my own movement sounds. I went up the stairs and into the girls bedroom.

She looked so peaceful while she slept. I almost didn't want to disturb her but I had to take her out.

I took a step closer but her eyes started to open. How did I wake her? I haven't a clue but it was like she felt my presence.

I stood in the dark corner and watched as her eyes searched the room. Once she saw me her eyes widened. I stepped closer to her, waiting for her to scream or call for help but she did neither.

I just watched. No fear was showing in her e/c eyes and her body seemed relaxed. This affected me in a different way. Screams fill me with power but her bravery made me want her. Not just want her dead like all the others, I wanted her alive. Alive and all for me.

Stepping back into the darkness I disappeared and left her house. Before leaving fully I took a moment to look at the sleeping boyfriend.

He had what I wanted. Now I want him dead.

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