Worth It

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Lydia was startled. The noise jolted her up. She patted Stiles repeatedly, and started to shake him. "Stiles! Stiles, did you hear that?"

Stiles gradually opened his eyes. "What, Lydia? Is everything okay?" He got worried for Lydia.

"Stiles, theres something under the bed. I heard something."  She said grabbing Stiles by the waist. Stiles gently carressed her hand, and squeezed it. Stiles carefully waited to hear a noise, but nothing was heard. 

"Lydia, I'm sure you just heard a dog or something outside. Lots of people have dogs." Stiles smiled at her through the dark, and laid back down, his hand still gripping hers. Lydia was a little wary at first, but settled back down in the covers with Stiles. 

"Lydia....." A sctratchy voice willowed. Lydia's eyes jolted open faster than light. 

"Stiles!" She screamed, sitting up straight. "Stiles, did you hear that?" 

"Shh, yes, I heard it." His hand tightend Lydia's, and he snatched her by the waist. 

"Lydia....I hear you..." The voice seemed to get slightly louder, and there were stratching noises. 

"Stiles! Stiles! It's calling my name! Do you hear it? Do you hear it?" She repeated. 

The door suddenly creaked open, it was pitch black, and Lydia was blind in the darkness. The only thing she could see was two vibrant red eyes at her door step. 

"There you are...I've been searching for you a long time." The voice gave a chuckle. It sounded like Vitani from The Lion King.

"Karma?" Lydia knew Karma didn't have red eyes, but it's been a year since they've seen each other. Maybe her eye color changed. 

"Now...you know its not her...do you miss her? Do you miss Karma? Do you miss her saving you all the time? Huh? Do you?" The eyes moved slowly, claws dragging on the wood, in a side motion. The words bounced in Lydia's head. 

She could only think of one time Karma saved her, and it was the time with Izel. 

"Karma has only been there for me once..." Lydia replied weakly, grasping Stiles hand. She heard his uneven breathing. 

"I see...I apologize for my rude questioning. You see...I get very rude when I'm hunting for people that make me..." It paused, and sneered. "-angry." 

"Are you looking for me?" Lydia asked, carefully watching the glowing eyes move gradually. 

The voice gave a cackle. "Well, if I wasn't, I wouldn't have found you, would I?"  Lydia gave a deep breath as the scratchy voice continued. "It's Karma." 

That caught Lydia's full attention. "What?"

The voice growled. "Karma, you fool!" 

"What?! Whats wrong? Is she okay?" Lydia tightend her jaw as she felt her heart speed up. 

"I wouldn't be here if there wasn't something wrong!" She snapped at Lydia. 

It stayed quiet, with the eyes pacing back and forth, and also Stiles passed out. Lydia held his hand, even though he passed out from God knows what. 

"Karma's been missing for four months." The voice suddenly told her. Lydia didn't know what to think, or do. 

"And why would I care?" She felt horrible after saying those words. Karma helped her so much through a lot, and Lydia said that? 

The voice growled, and got close to the bed. "You should care because everything she did was for you. And you say that? I thought I was mean, but you're plain cold hearted. Listen, brat, I'm pissed off because Karma went looking for you, and when she did, she didn't come back." 

"What would I do to Karma?" Lydia pondered. 

"You look, and act innocent, but deep down , you must've had something to do with Karma's dissaperence!" The voice hissed. "And you're gonna help me find her!"

"But, I don't know what happened to her! I haven't talked to Karma in over a year. I have no clue how to find her." Lydia said. 

"Yeah? Well, you are, banshee. Get up, our search starts now." The eyes turned around, and headed for the door. Lydia didn't even know who that was. 

"Who are you?" She screamed, and flipped the lights. 

She was startled to see it was a pure white wolf with a black spot around her left eye. 

"They call me Domino."

. . . . . . . . . . . . 

HI!!!! It's me! I haven't uploaded in forever, but things were pretty hard, so here you go!!! Hope you enjoy! And please excuse me for any mistakes. I'm fixing them tomorrow!!! LUV Y'ALL!!!


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