Jumpy Much?

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FIVE HOURS EARLIER................

She sleepily fell asleep in his arms. His soft, muscular arm coiled around her, making her feel safe through the night.

Until only she heard a noise.

Lydia's eyes shot open, and she quickly looked into the darkness. She didn't see anything, she couldn't see anything. She moderately slipped away from her peacefully sleeping boy friend, and got off her bed.

Lydia quickly grabbed her phone from her night stand beside her bed, and turned it on. The phone shone brightly in her eyes, making Lydia squint almost immediately. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she flipped the phone's flash light on.

Lydia turned it around, and held it infront of her. Lydia didn't see anything, and was just about to crawl back in bed, when the same noise happened down stairs.

Lydia slowly crept out of her room, and quietly hurried to her stair case. She stepped down the stairs, careful not to make even the tiniest noise. Once she reached the last step, she hid her phone's light with the palm of her hand.

She waited there, and hoped maybe the noise was just in her head. And as soon as she thought it was safe to say it was, the noise happened, but it was much louder.

It was like someone was banging against a glass table.

Lydia then ran to where the noise was coming from and flipped on the nearest light switch. And when the light filled the room, Lydia dropped her phone, and covered her mouth with her hands to stop her from screaming.

There, lying on Lydia's tile-next to her once clear as diamonds glass table, was a very bloody Karma(A/N:For those who don't know who Karma is, you need to read the 1st book).

There was blood everywhere. On the table, on the floor, on Karma. Lydia didn't know where the blood was coming from on Karma, but it seemed like from every spot on her body. Karma's once vibrant eyes were now as dull as a rotten leaf. Her hair looked a mess. Karma's bouncy curls were now tangled together.

Lydia was looking directly at Karma, and Karma was looking directly at her. Lydia saw pure agony in her eyes.

"Run as far as you can," She said in a weak tone, Lydia could barley hear her.

Lydia rushed over to Karma, blood squishing between her toes. It made Lydia sick inside, but she had to do it, for Karma.

"Run? Why Karma? Why do I have to run?" Lydia asked urgently as she gently started to shake Karma. She didn't want Karma to close her eyes, fearing what might happen next.

"Lydia, you have to run. To Chicago, find Domino." She said, even more weakly than she said before.

"Domino? Who's Domino? And why do I have to run?" Lydia asked, starting to get worried. Lydia started to search around for her phone. She needed to call 911, and fast.

"Run, and don't look back..." Karma warned, and she started to close her eyes helplessly.

"No! No! Karma, stay with me! Please, please! KARMA!" Lydia now yelled shaking Karma, and gently patting her face to wake up. Karma didn't respond, and Lydia felt a strong urge to scream now.

No, no! Karma can't die, she can't. She can't...

Then everything inside Lydia just bursted through her mouth, and it all went dark.


Lydia's eyes jolted open, and she immediately spun her legs off the bed.


A light suddenly flickered on, and Something grabbed her waist. Hands, warm hands.

Lydia breathed heavily, and clenched her bed sheets tightly.

"Lydia! Lydia, are you okay?" A voice asked. Stiles.

Lydia looked back, and saw a worried looking Stiles. She shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She surprisingly managed to say. It had all been a dream, a night mare. It wasn't real. What happened to Karma wasn't real. Nothing actually happened.

"You sure?" He asked, slowly starting to rub her waist.

"Yeah, it was just a bad dream, I need some water." Lydia said, and she was about to get up, when something didn't feel right. She looked down to the floor, and saw glass shattered.

"Oh my God, Stiles." Lydia gasped taking his hand. Stiles looked to the floor, and started to get a bit shaky.

What he saw was Lydia's bloody feet from where she stepped on the glass.

"I'm gonna go get our coats, I'm taking you to the hospital. Wait here." Stiles got off the bed, and hurried out of her room. She heard lights being turned on.

Lydia carefully took her feet off the floor, and started to look at them. She noticed something rather odd.

She noticed that she didn't have one single cut on her feet.


Hi!!! It's me again with book two! This is the second book of Green Means Solved. You can find that story on my profile. If you haven't read it, it would make a lot more sense. Please tell me what you think so far!! BYE!!!!

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