You're Anything But Fine

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        Lydia kept rubbing her dry feet over and over again. No matter how hard she put pressure on her feet, there were no cuts! The blood wasn't hers!

        Stiles came rushing in with a giant black bag in his hands, and some dish washing gloves to pick up the fallen glass. 

        "Stiles," She sighed still looking intensely at him. "I'm fine."

        "Then whos blood it that?" He asked pointing to the blood on Lydia's carpet. 

        "I-I don't know!" All Lydia was thinking was about the dream she had. Maybe it was Karma's blood. No, it was just dream. It's not Karma's. Karma was all the way back in Chicago. 

        "Lydia, are you okay?" Stiles asked sitting next to Lydia, and wrapping his arm around her waist.

        "I'm fine, I just...I just don't know what to do." Lydia shook her head, and grabbed Stiles' hand. 

        "You sure?" 

        "Yeah, positive." She shook her head. 

        Stiles let go, and started to pick up the glass from the floor, and put it in the trash bag. 

        Once Lydia was positive all the blood-or whatever it was- was gone form her feet, she lifted her feet onto her bed, and snuggled down into the covers. 

        Once Stiles was done picking up broken glass, he went out of the room, and went to Lydia's garage. He opened the door, and turned the light on. He made his way for the trash can, when a certain noise hit his ears. It sounded like a shuffle. 

        "Probably just a rat," He thought to himself. He put the trash in the trash can, and left the garage. 

        He went back up the Lydia, and tucked in bed with her. He cuddled up to her really closely to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

        "You okay, Lydia?" Stiles whispered in her ear, and gave her a squeeze. 

        She nodded slightly. "I-I'm shaken up, but I'll live. I just don't know where that red substance came from, or what it is."

        "Maybe you just bled a little, and didn't notice. I'm sure it's nothing." Stiles nuzzled his face into Lydia's soft neck, and gently kissed it making Lydia giggle.

        "I love you." He mumbled. 

        She scooted back, getting even closer to him, and smiled. "I love you, too." 

        . . . . . . . . . 


        Lycia woke up to a crash. Again. 

        She pinched her skin tightly to make sure it wasn't just another nightmare. She felt the pinch, and knew this was real. 

        Stiles was silently sleeping, spooning her tightly. 

        Lydia though that maybe she heard something, and she was just paranoid. So she closed her eyes. 


        I came from down stairs, and she could hear something coming up stairs...towards her room.

        Lydia stayed silent, not sure of what to do. 

        Lydia's door flung open, and the door hit immensely on the wall.

        Lydia was speechless when she saw who was standing two feet away from her. 


        I am so sorry this is so sucky, and it took me so long to get it out, I've just been going through a rough patch, so I apologize. I will possibly upload a chapter tomorrow!! Bye, lovelies!

        ~Alora ZA fox 



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