Get Out Of My House

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        . . . . . . . . 2 HOURS BEFORE INCIDENT. . . . .  

        "Miss me?" 

        "You can't break into my house like that!" She screamed. Stiles mumbled but he still was fast asleep.

        "Woah, relax, would ya, Lydia?" 

        "I'm not going to relax, because you broke into my house!" Lydia screamed again. This time, Stiles woke up, and was just as surprised at Lydia. 

        "Jackson?" Stiles asked sleepily.

        "Hey Stiles." He smirked. 

        "Get out of my house, jerk off!" Lydia ordered, getting up from her cozy bed, and storming up to Jackson. 

        "Lydia, chill." Jackson grinned like an idiot, and it made Lydia even angrier.

        "If you don't get out of my house right now, I'm calling Stiles' dad. Read me?" 

        Jackson's preverted eyes gazed up and down on Lydia's body, especially looking at her black laced bra. "Oh," He smiled wickidly. "I read you." 

        Stiles immediately stood up, and rushed over to Lydia. He stepped infront of her, and made direct eye contact at Jackson. 

        "Listen, Jackass, you need to get out. I don't know if you know this, but breaking and entering is a felony. Plus, you staring at my girl friend isn't making me too happy." Stiles stated, grabbing Lydia's hand. 

        "Wait, you're a couple?" Jackson asked, looking behind Stiles to Lydia. "Stilinski, and you?"

        "Got a problem with that, Jackson?" Lydia asked. 

        "Well, he's like a total nerd, and he can't even play lacross." Jackson laughed. 

        Then, at that very moment, Jackson knew me messed up, because not only did Stiles give him a good punch in the eye, Lydia also called the cops. 

        Turns out Jackson was on the lamb(it's a metaphor) for stealing drugs from a pharmacy eight miles away from Lydia's house. 

        "Stiles, you woke me up for this?" Scott groaned as Stiles told his story of punching his former bully. 

        "Dude, you should've been there! He was looking at Lydia like a lion looking at zebra!" Stiles exclaimed to his friend. 

        "So you broke his jaw?" Scott lazily asked, trying effortlessly to keep his eyes open. 

        Stiles shook his head. "Nope, I gave him a black eye!"

        Scott patted his shoulder. "Good job, man. Never thought you could've done this."

        "I mostly did it because Jackson was looking at my baby girl(Lydia)! Speaking of which, hows you and Allison?" 

        "We're good, I love having her around again. My mom has been going crazy asking how she's here, and things. Her dad was pretty happy, though." Scott replied with a big grin. 

        "I imagine." Stiles smiled. Stiles looked over his shoulder, and saw Lydia. She was sitting on her front porch steps, covered in a thin, black blanket. She looked sick, and pale. Stiles turned back to Scott. "I'm gonna go, man, give Allison a hug for me, alright?" 

        Scott nodded. "Yep," 

        "Oh, and thanks for coming." Stiles said before he went off. 

        Scott nodded again. "Any time, Stiles." 

        Scott left, and Stiles went over to Lydia.  "You okay, babe?" 

        "Fine, just tired. Can we got back to bed?" She asked lazily looking up to him. 

        "Sure, baby, we can. Lets get all these cop cars gone. You want to press charges? To Jackson?" Stiles asked rubbing her shoulder gently. 

        "Yes, I do, he scared me, Stiles!" She said nuzzling into his shirt. 

        "It's okay, Lydia. It won't happen again, I promise." He kissed her fore head, and went to tell the cops. 


        Lydia, and Stiles went to his house for the night, and the sheriff welcomed her with open arms. 

        They went up to Stiles' room, and snuggled into his bed. They spooned, and Stiles held her very tightly, never letting her go. 

        Everything was very peaceful.

        It was until a low growl came from under Stiles' bed. 


I'm back?! YASSS. I AM! Sorry for the LONG wait, things have been BUSY!!!! I'll upload very soon though! 

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