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"I don't understand, Domino. I haven't talked to Karma in almost a year. Why do you think I would do anything with her?" Lydia pondered.

"I already told you. You were the last person to talk to Karma." She harshly said to me. Lydia still sat on her bed, stunned. She told Stiles just to head home. He reluctantly went home after a few long tries.

Domino did not look happy. Her long, sharp fangs were slightly barred, and she seemed as if she were glaring at Lydia.

"But, Domino-" Lydia tried to protest, but the stubborn wolf wasn't having any of it.

"Quit, Banshee, I've heard enough. Put on some real clothes, and lets go." The wolf ordered. Lydia didn't argue, and went to put on some clothes. She chose some blue skinny jeans, and a Beacon Hills sweatshirt.

The wolf led her out Lydia's house. "Where do we even begin?" Lydia asked the wolf.

"Right here." A grin swept across the wolf's face, and suddenly Lydia felt a sharp pain on her back, stomach, and sides. Lydia had her face on the pavement. Water streamed from her eyes, they weren't tears. No, and she didn't feel any pain.

In fact, she didn't feel a thing. Everything was numb. She couldn't move.

"You really thought that I was a friend of Karma's?" Domino gave a evil chuckle. Lydia could see the huge big white paws in front of her. But she couldn't lift up her face to see Domino. She couldn't move anything.

Then she started to see other wolf paws. Some brown, some black, some a reddish orange color. But only Domino was pure white.

"Karma has been dead for over six months," Domino said starting to circle Lydia. Lydia's eyes widened. She didn't know what to feel. She didn't cry, she didn't blink, she didn't even talk.

"You know, Lydia, maybe if you kept track of your friends you would know what happened to poor Karma." Domino told her in a sad, depressing tone.

Lydia still was dazed in thought. The fact that she didn't know what happened to Karma made her feel pathetic.

"You want to know, don't you?" A cold voice whispered in her ear. It wasn't Dominos. It sounded raspy almost, and deceiving.

"You want to know how she died, right Lydia?" Another voice whispered right in her other ear. This voice sounded clear,and completely calm. She sounded like she could lure you into anything.

"Do you, Lydia? Do you want to learn how the one person who always believed in you died? Do you want to here how she fought for her life? Do you want to here how she was ripped from piece to piece? Do you want to learn Karmen White's departure?" Domino whispered from directly above her.

"Huh, Lydia?" The clear voice asked.

"Do you, Lydia? Do you?" The raspy taunted.

"Well Lydia? Do you want to-"

"NO!" Lydia yelled. Eery silence suddenly fell upon Lydia. All she could was Domino's sharp claws hitting the ground, coming closer, and closer towards her face.

Paws stopped right in front of her, the claws retracting, and then coming back out. The wolf leaned down to where she was eye to eye with Lydia. Domino's eye's were blood red up close.

"No?" Domino whispered so low, Lydia almost couldn't hear it.

"NO?!" Domino now yelled, Lydia heard her powerful jaws snap together. Lydia's ears were ringing.

She still couldn't move, she was numb to the bone. Not even her pinkie finger would move a centimeter.

"No..." Lydia weakly said.

"Well, some friend you are..." The raspy voice cackled.

"Dilac, hush!" Domino ordered, still staring into Lydia's eyes.

Domino suddenly smiled, and not in a friendly way.. It was more of smirk, and taunting one.

"I thought so, I don't think you could handle it anyway. Too much..." She grinned again. "Blood."

"What did you do to her!?" Lydia suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. "You monsters! You killed her, didn't you!? You killed Karma!"

Domino turned around and started to gently stroll off.

"I don't know, Lydia, did I? You're the banshee, figure it out." Domino boorishly replied.

"Domino!" She yelled.

"Lydia, relax, you're not the one getting hurt tonight." Domino's other wolves started to snicker and laugh. They also started to walk towards Domino.

"What do you mean?" Lydia's voice got a bit quiet.

Domino ignored her kept walking away.

Domino was almost gone when she slowly turned around, and said: "Oh, and when you get control of your body, you might want to check on your little boyfriend."

"Stiles?" Lydia whispered to herself, while Domino and her gang disappeared.

Then it hit her.




~watch me whip, eh, watch me nae nae~


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