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Lydia couldn't regain control until about an hour later. No body heard her screams, and yells of distress. 

When Lydia could move, she couldn't wait for the rest of her to start fully working. Her arms, and shoulders could move, but her legs were still pretty numb. But, being Lydia Martin, she made it to her car. 

Realizing it was locked, she couldn't help but begin to shake. She was starting to lose it. She needed to get to Stiles. She took a guess, and hoped her phone would be in her pocket. It was. She quickly pulled out her phone, and called Scott. 

Being 1:00 in the morning, she prayed he'd pick up. The ringing continued. She waited for what seemed like forever for her. 

"Lydia?" He mumbled,  he heard the sheets ruffling on the other end. She heard Allison's voice on the other end asking who was on the phone. 

"Scott!" She yelled through the phone. "Scott, you have to go to Stiles' house! Now!" 

"Whats going on? Lydia, are you okay?" He asked, getting more serious, and awake. 

"Scott, go to Stiles' house! I think he's hurt!" She said starting to feel the movement of her legs. 

"Hurt? Are you sure?" He asked. Lydia could hear him moving on the other end. 

"Yes, I have a really bad feeling." Lydia sighed, her breaths becoming shorter. 

"Lydia, are you alright?" Scott started to become worried about her now. 

"Scott," She breathed, "Please just get to Stiles. Please." 

"Okay, I'm going to his house right now. I sent Alison to go check up on you. Are you are your house?" 

"Yes," Lydia said grabbing onto her legs with her free hand. 

"Good, she'll be there in a few minutes. I'll call you about Stiles, okay?" 

"Okay, please just hurry, Scott." And with that Lydia hung up. She dropped her phone, and gripped her legs tightly. The searing pain in her legs starting to become stronger by the second. She groaned, and rolled her head back. 

Lydia didn't know what was going on with her legs but she didn't honestly care as much as she did about Stiles. 

Domino scared the living Hell out of her. And she was afraid of what Domino meant about what she said to Lydia. 

"Oh, and when you get control of your body, you might want to check on your little boyfriend."

Lydia shivered at her words. She wanted to hear Stiles' voice again, and see his cheesy smile, and his weird funny movements. She needed him. 

Who are you?-Stydia Story-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now