That Girl: Blue Man Minus the Group

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Houndsworth was definitely a Scooby Doo Setting. Elena decided as she descended from the carriage.

Just enough mystery to not make any sense, mist, and instead of disappearances it's murders.

'Yay.......' You could tell she was just enthusiastic about all of this.

She eyed the flying rat and a fan girling Finny from the back of the group as they were led inside.

'The Readers better not expect me to say Jeepers'  Elena sighed through her nose as they entered the study

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'The Readers better not expect me to say Jeepers' Elena sighed through her nose as they entered the study.

She tuned out the conversation Ciel was having with the Eyebrow guy (Barrymore) and noticed the Lap Dogs tensed form.

'What's his problem?' Elena wondered as she followed his line of sight to Eyebrow guy.

'Whys he glaring at the Eyebrow guy?'

She stared at eyebrow guy trying to see if there was anything different about him

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She stared at eyebrow guy trying to see if there was anything different about him. Besides his eyebrows of course.

Elena blinked.

'Wait......'  She narrowed her eyes.

'I know I've seen him somewhere before....'

Elena stared at his eyebrows and noticed his big jaw.

Her mouth dropped open in shock.

'He was the suitor I turned blue!!!!!!!!'

His jawline was unmistakable to his past self.

His jawline was unmistakable to his past self

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'He wasn't a pretty guy then. He still isn't a pretty guy now.' Elena sweat dropped.

'He grew out of his chubby face though.' She had to admit.

But he still had a big head.

She also noticed Eyebrow guy overlooked her because she was standing at the back.

Elena couldn't help her smile full of teeth.

"I wonder if he's still scared of little red headed girls~"

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"I wonder if he's still scared of little red headed girls~"

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