That Girl: Smooth sailings? Not really.

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Elena sat in the far corner of the carriage, glaring at the smiling young earl.

While she was upset that she was spending her summer in unknown territory she understood that unlike her sisters-who have a type of infatuation with the young earl-was the only logical choice to go being the only one who could represent the Dallas House without any major distractions.

Even though she would've liked to ditch the earl altogether, her father promised to get her six new books, a years worth of candy and desserts, and finally a gift card to the local joke shop if she went through with this.

Hence Elena's current position. Trying not to strangle or maim the bluenette.

She sighed in exasperation, finding that she wasn't able to strike him dead where he sat. Settled for staring out the cartage window and watching the storm come in.

"Lady Elenanna...." Chocolate orbs trained on the red headed.

"Hm?"  She decided to humor him, but did not take her eyes off the rain coated window.

"I am most grateful that you have accepted my offer to come with me to the Phantomhive Manor." Elena raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow as the young earl seemed to be surrounded by sparkles and flowers as he smiled obnoxiously at her. (Did she see a inner mind theatre?) ( that her acting out in a ridiculous rom com with the Queen's Lap Dog?!)

Elena could feel her eye twitching as a angry mark took its place on her check. (Tsk. Who does this moron think I am? One of my sisters? HA!)

"My apologies young earl, but I am only here on official noble business and nothing else....." She replied coolly, ice practically radiating off her. Not even flinching as the bluenette invaded her personal space and put on the water works.

"So mean~" he pouted.

She used her palm to push the moron away from her. Inwardly smirking at his shocked form when the young lord landed sprawled on his seat.

"I prefer being called truthful or blunt young earl...." She trailed off, finding herself taking on a thoughtful look. (If I can't hurt him, maybe I can annoy him...or maybe tease him....the possibilities are endless!)

She found herself inwardly cackling not  noticing the person in question shivered with dread and looked around from the corner of his eye, looking for any sign of danger.

Lightning and thunder clapped overhead, startling the young duo and the couch man pulling the carriage.

Elena chewed her lip. Her eyes surveying the storm outside.

"I worry that the storm will become worse. How much longer until we arrive at your manor?"

"We should arrive in abo-"


The carriage was hit. The horses, startled, managed to throw the couch man off and race towards the unknown. Leaving the mangled, turned over carriage in a ditch. The wreckage rendering our young travelers unconscious.

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