Chapter Sixteen

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Mae glared at Nappa, tightening her fists until her nails dug into her skin. She growled, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Let's see you try," Nappa grinned. "Fight me like a saiyan!"

"AHHH!" Mae yelled and rushed Nappa, faster than before. She punched him in the face, surprising him before blasting him back.

Nappa hit a rock wall and had the wind knocked from him. "Damn brat," he swore. He quickly dodged her next attack.

Mae destroyed the rock formation with her fist, rubble collapsed around her as she turned to face Nappa. Her face was filled with rage and her power continued to climb. As she went to attack Nappa he smacked her across the face, making her hit the ground.

"N-no! M-Mae!" Gohan cried out as he got to his feet. He spit blood from his mouth.

"Stay back Gohan," Mae said as she got to her feet.

"Heh," Nappa grinned. "You do fight like a Saiyan, but now you'll die like one."

"The one who will die is you!" Mae snapped back, wiping the blood from her lip. She brought her hands up to ready an attack as Nappa charged forward.

Before Nappa reached her Krillin jumped in and kicked him in the face. "You bastard!" He then began to rapidly attack Nappa while his guard was down and sent him flying. Krillin tore after him, but Nappa righted himself and went to strike Krillin. He quickly dodged, flipping over the ground behind Nappa.

Both Mae and Gohan watched with surprise and awe.

"At least he can move," Vegeta commented.

"Stand still and fight!" Nappa yelled, frustrated.

Krillin stood his ground and lifted his arm up and formed a circle of energy, "destructo disc!"

He threw the disc at Nappa who looked a bit confused at first before grinning. "Heh, it's just a trick."

"Nappa!" Vegeta shouted, getting his attention. "Duck!" He could see what the disc actually was.

Nappa quickly moved his head, but the disc grazed his cheek before flying behind him, slicing the top of a rock formation off.

"Use your head, idiot," Vegeta chastised.

"Damn it," Krillin gritted his teeth.

Nappa grew angry at his bleeding cheek and glared at Krillin. "You little shit! You cut me!" His power began to rise as an aura surrounded him.

"Uh-oh..." Krillin said nervously.

"You really won't like this!" Nappa yelled, going to attack Krillin.

The energy beam soared towards Krillin. "Ack!" He exclaimed as he quickly dodged it by going into the air. The explosion hit the ground in front of him and he ended up taking some damage.

"One more blow," Nappa said, looking up at Krillin.

Before he could get the shot off, Piccolo was back on his feet and blasted Nappa in the back. Nappa yelled in pain as Krillin dropped to the ground.

Nappa turned to see his attacker, "it can't be! You're tougher than you look!"

Vegeta began to laugh, "having trouble Nappa?"

"The earth doesn't go down easily," Piccolo panted.

"You stupid freak! Now you've made me mad," Nappa scowled. "I was going easy on you cause I want you to tell us where the dragon balls are but now..."

Suddenly Piccolo felt something that shocked him. "What is that? A tremendous power coming from afar?!"

Vegeta took notice of his comment but he couldn't feel anything. 

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