Chapter Four

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"So how do you like the taste of despair?" Raditz laughed. "It's the last thing you fools will ever taste!"

Piccolo managed to compose himself, but there was still fear coursing through his body. "So let me get this straight, should we succeed in defeating you, we'll be facing your power and more?"

"Ya know I could've waited to hear that," Goku said. He wore a nervous smile on his face.

"Doesn't it thrill you Son Goku?" Piccolo asked with a smirk.

"Heh, 'thrill' isn't the word I'd pick," Goku replied. "'Spitless' or 'terrified' might be better words. Still, I will take back my children!" He turned to Raditz, "where did you hide them?"

"Hide?" Raditz wore an amused smile. "Indeed, I locked them up to keep the boy quiet. I had to knock the foolish girl unconscious. They're in that hole behind you, most likely still alive." He pointed to the pod in the crater.

Goku floated up into the air and looked down. "There," he said upon seeing the pod. "Mae! Gohan! Hang in there! Daddy'll save you!"

Raditz laughed at his statement. "Don't get their hopes up. No dead daddy will save them."

As Goku landed he asked Piccolo, "you ready?"

"We have a choice?" Piccolo countered.

The two fighters brought their hands up and rushed Raditz. As they attacked the saiyan blocked their attacks with ease. Goku and Piccolo drew back before vanishing from view. They appeared behind Raditz, trying to land an attack. However, the saiyan was too quick. He jumped up and kicked out with his legs hitting both Piccolo and Goku.

They both bounced off the ground before quickly recovering. Again they rushed in to attack. Just before they hit, Raditz dodged and flew up into the air. Piccolo and Goku both jumped up and flew to meet him. As the two fighters neared the saiyan he smirked and held his hands at his sides. He fired two energy beams at the fighters below him.

"Ah!" Goku exclaimed as he narrowly dodged. Piccolo cried out in pain as the blast hit his shoulder.

Goku landed on the ground and looked up to find Raditz. However Raditz suddenly appeared behind Goku and kicked him in the back.

"Do you believe me now?" Raditz asked.

Goku pulled himself up, "d-damn you! Piccolo are you-!" He looked over to see that Piccolo was missing an arm.

Piccolo forced a grin on his face despite the fact that he lost a limb. "It'll be quite the inconvenience fighting with one arm."

Raditz began to laugh, "I'll take your wretched head next!"

Goku jumped over to where Piccolo was hoping to form a new strategy. When he landed Piccolo asked, "Don't suppose you have a new secret technique?"

"For once, I'm fresh out," Goku said with a nervous chuckle.

"Heh," Piccolo snorted. "You always were a lazy one. We should be thankful that I am not."

"Making secret plans, little friends?" Raditz asked. "Well if that's how you want to waste the last moments of your lives. Enjoy yourself."

Goku ignored his saiyan brother and glanced at Piccolo. "Are you saying you've got a new technique?"

"Yeah," Piccolo nodded.

"Can you do it with one arm?"

"Yes, but I need time," Piccolo said. "You'll have to keep Raditz busy."

Goku paused for a moment, "you better be damn sure it'll work."

"What choice do we have?" Piccolo replied. "Pity though, I made this technique to kill you."

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