Chapter Twenty-Three

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In the hospital on earth, a day after the fight with the saiyans, Goku was wrapped head to toe in bandages before being put on a life support machine. Only his face stuck out and he could only move his head. In the bed next to him was his son, Gohan, who only had minor bandages around his head and arms. Krillin's arm was in a sling and he had to walk using crutches, his head also covered in wrappings.

Goku looked up at his friend, "well it's not what I wanted to hear, but they said it'll take four months for my injures to heal, and I might never get back to normal."

"There's nothing to worry about," Korin spoke up. "The senzu beans will be ready in a month."

"Gohan and I are lucky," Krillin said. "We only have to spend three days in the hospital, we don't have to be a mummy like you."

"I went though all that and I don't even have to be hospitalized," Yajirobe scoffed.

Krillin gave him a look, "after you went through what, Yajirobe? Begging the saiyan to forgive you and let you join them? Or am I mistaken?"

Yajirobe jumped to his feet in offense, "you wanna get beat, baldy! That was just a trick!"

Korin started laughing.

"Just forget it," Ox King said. "You saved the earth and maybe those who died can return to life, it's enough."

Suddenly Bulma came bursting into the room, "hey! Everyone look what's on tv!"

"You scared me, Bulma," Roshi said. "Thought you were some crazy nurse."

"Oh shut up and look at the tv," Bulma said as she turned it on.

A news reporter came up on the screen with the saiyan pod behind him. "Scientists conjecture that the globular object unearthed in the ruined Eastern City, may be a vessel of extraterrestrial origin."

"Ah!" Krillin exclaimed. "That's the saiyan's ship!"

"I can't see!" Goku groaned.

The reporter continued, "two of these objects were sighted initially but one of them flew suddenly and inexplicably out of sight."

"This won't be good," Roshi said. "If those scientists have already found it."

"That makes it more fun," Bulma said, pulling out a remote control. "Imagine the looks on their faces when Krillin's remote control sends it flying away."

"Do you think it'll actually work?" Krillin asked.

"Krillin, who's the genius in this room?" Bulma asked impetuously. "I checked all the controls last night. Just watch, we'll be able to see it on live tv. Just here, and here..." she began pressing buttons on the remote. "And watch that thing move!"

"I can't see!" Goku continued to complain.

On the screen the saiyan ship suddenly exploded. Bulma, Krillin, and Roshi's expressions quickly changed to panic as the reporter began to speak again.

"Something happened to the object! It suddenly exploded! The remains of the spacecraft, if it was, are scattered everywhere!"

"I told myself don't touch the self destruct button!" Bulma whined.

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