Chapter Thirty: Knightmayre

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(Y/n) had been through much conflict in making the right decision. For what it was worth, he believed that it was worth a try. His third return to Hell was quite profound but a thought (Y/n) didn't dwell on as he began to make his way through the Pit Of Lost Souls. It was there that (Y/n) felt a strange tremor, followed by muffled explosions. He then slammed a foot down to create a pillar that would help him resurface. 

In the sacred land of Themyscira, the women of the land were at war as many were being slaughtered by an enemy much more vicious and ruthless than their last visit. Shocked by the invasion of Paradooms, (Y/n) felt uneasy upon noticing how buffer the minions of the Dark One were. The Amazons were slaughtered without mercy as large spacecrafts threatened to end all life on Earth. 

"(Y/N)!!" A feminine voice screamed his name. 

(Y/n) whipped his head around in the direction of the voice calling him and spotted Hippolyta rushing towards him with something being cradled in her non-dominant arm while the other possessed a sword. 

"Take the child and reach Hades! Go, go! You're our last hope now, (Y/n). GO!" Hippolyta commanded. 

The blonde woman turned her back to (Y/n) and used her sword to attack a Paradoom that landed behind her when suddenly it grabbed her by her arm and leg. It raised her above its head when Hippolyta was ripped in half. Horrified by what he'd witnessed, (Y/n) was mortified at the gore before he reacted just in time to avoid being slaughtered like everyone else by descending back to Tartarus with the hole closed behind him. 

In the Pit of Lost Souls, (Y/n) clung onto the infant that was his daughter and sprinted along the ashen-coloured ground towards the giant gate on the other end of the field. (Y/n)'s breathing was heavy and ragged despite being a well fit person with the growing disadvantage of his migraine. Still, he persisted. On the surface, (Y/n) could hear the Paradooms shovel through the earth to reach the lower level (Y/n) was in. 

As he closed in on the secret entrance to Hell, Paradooms broke through and flew across the barren field after (Y/n) who had just reached the entrance when they all flew into the wall around the entrance. Now with the enemy hot on his tail, (Y/n) closed the distance between he and the castle as quickly as he could. Even from far away, he could still hear Faust's screams.

Despite the circumstances, Lyta made not a sound as (Y/n) ran down stairs a quickly as he could to reach the room Hades and Faust were in. When (Y/n) burst into the room, Hades was conversing with Faust who was no longer strapped to a table, but instead setting up the ritual that was to take place. (Y/n) gathered breath while he could before he was instructed to lie down in a chalk circle to initiate the ritual.

Faust closed his eyes and placed his right index finger on (Y/n)'s forehead and spoke a foreign spell. Hades then took his turn to repeat a phrase from memory. They both noticed that the ritual was working when they noticed the circle chalk glow brightly. Their chanting became louder, their voices reached a deeper, more demonic sound as (Y/n) breathed shakily. In fear if how things would turn out, (Y/n) felt a change if heart but it was far too late for that now. 

Paradooms broke down the door to the room and noticed three deviants for them to chew and butcher. But right before the ritual could be completed, somebody interfered in the last millisecond. A cyborg wielding a sword broke into the room and slaughtered the two men in the room by tearing Hades' throat out and gutted Faust without any second for them to comprehend what was going on until they were bleeding out on the floor. 

"Oh my God... Diana?! What happened to you?!" (Y/n) exclaimed and crawled backwards until his back hit a wall. 

The black-haired woman had her hair tied at the bottom as she stared at him with her good eye and a red one just like Cyborg. Her arms were dressed in metal as was the rest of her body. Another person entered the room, this time it was the very same person (Y/n) and the rest of the League feared: Darkseid. 

"You... you did this." (Y/n) grumbled vengefully. 

Darkseid smirked cockily and spoke in a very deep, gravelly voice. "Kneel before me, mortal. Kneel before Darkseid." 

(Y/n) glanced at his cyborg wife and the infant child laid on a table right next to where Diana stood. He then proceeded to let out a hefty sigh before standing up on both feet, his posture straight but his shoulders loose as he very slowly dawdled towards the New God whose head came awfully close to touching the ceiling. 

"Almighty Darkseid... I, (Y/n) Prince-Wayne of Earth, do solemnly swear to pledge my undying fidelity..." 

(Y/n)'s breathing became heavier as he bowed his head, tilting it so that he could glance at his wife now to his left where he came to notice the red light of her left eye malfunctioning. He furrowed his brows together, squinting his eyes to notice that she was shaking very slightly. Only then did he notice she was trying to resist the Apokolips technology. 

Diana's consciousness was restored very briefly so that she could witness her husband mouth three words to her before thrusting his non-dominant arm up to stab Darkseid in the throat with a knife. The New God saw this coming and backhanded the (h/c) man to the ground. Grabbing a nearby shield, (Y/n) covered his body with it. Darkseid used the Omega Beams to incinerate him, but at an excruciating rate that caused (Y/n) to scream in agony before he died. 

His remains being his skeleton that laid on the ground with the shield laid on his lower abdomen. The moment he died, Diana died inside. In mourning if her loss, she shed a tear. Darkseid's focus drew onto the infant who then began to cry and squirm, earing his attention. There was potential in adopting the infant himself as Diana's conscious was numbed when Darkseid decided to purge the planet so that he could claim the Anti-Life Equation.

Within two hours, the Earth had become the latest victim in Darkseid's mass conquering of hundreds of thousands of planets in search for the Anti-Life Equation. Upon finding such a valuable power, Darkseid would be able to rule the universe under his rule. But little did anybody know there was still a chance to stop him.

The Scarlet Speedster had been successful in making a daring escape. But after suffering such nasty injuries to his body, creating his time jump would prove difficult. His daring escape didn't become a threat to Darkseid until one of his Furies alerted him of the breakout. Flash ran as fast as he could to the extent of his powers in order to make a daring jump to the period of where they lost, and hopefully prevent it from happening again. 

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