Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Viking Way

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Viking ships emerged from the fog, silence obscured the distance while the Amazon battalions assembled to meet the visitors with fire arrows and swords and shields. (Y/n), Diana and Hippolyta armed themselves and mounted horses to take them to the cliff face. Loud chanting and horns being blown gave the idea that war had been initiated.

The only question was: why?

(Y/n) and Diana accompanied the Amazons into battle as the ships reached shore where Viking warriors disembarked and charged headlong, wielding axes and shields and spears while the Amazons fought back with swords, shields and bows and arrows. 

Queen Hippolyta watched the battle rage on before she too joined the women in combat. Even without his powers, (Y/n) proved himself capable on the battlefield as he cut down Vikings coming his way. What was strange was the markings and tattoos on their bodies, something that Hippolyta also took notice of as her fears were confirmed.

Diana fought well individually as the beach forces were struggling to stand their ground. More ships emerged from the fog, reinforcements all keen for battle as cannons were used to catapult great balls of fire for the city. After previous invasions, technological advances allowed an energy dome composed of alien technology to protect the city, Themyscira. 

Thunder clapped and lightning flashed, indicating the fierceness of the storm approaching. Gusts of wind swept the beach, throwing sand about which caused everybody on the beach to cover their eyes to avoid getting sand in their eyes. To the point things became unmanageable, the ground defence called a retreat.

Loud cheering erupted from the Vikings as they came to believe they had gained the upper hand and that the enemy were running away in fear. Little did they know, it was all part of the plan - an idea that would turn the tide of the battle. Dark clouds rolled overhead, completely hiding any glimpse of sunlight when lightning began to strike the earth.

Conflict continued to play out as blood was spilt into the soil, bodies decayed on the floor as the Amazons fought bravely until something terrible arrived. (Y/n) stopped running and looked back over his shoulder to a distinct rumbling and small strikes of lightning that hit a certain part of the ground until in the blink of an eye, a figure appeared.

A rather large figure was seen donning traditional Viking clothes with the addition of a cape. The new competitor threw the cape back in order to reveal a hammer on their person, a type of enchanted hammer that belonged to only one God (Y/n) would wield such a weapon.

"Oh shit..." (Y/n) muttered under his breath. 

"BRING ME LOKI!!" Thor boomed. 

(Y/n) yelped and ducked down when the Viking God of Thunder and Lightning casted lightning from his enchanted hammer, barely missing (Y/n)'s head. Knowing he had no other choice but to fight, (Y/n) became tense and unwillingly charged towards the Viking God and yelled as he prepared to attack first.

Thor swung his hammer horizontally, missing (Y/n)'s body when he slid on the grass on his knees, backwards before jumping back up to his feet and swung his sword diagonally which missed his target. Their fight was more of a dodge and parry type of fight as neither were able to land any blows on the other, surprisingly even for Thor who was yet to resort to fulfilling his full title.

The ginger-haired Viking bellowed in a mad rage towards (Y/n) to the point the impact of his hammer hitting the ground creates shockwaves that unbalanced (Y/n). (Y/n) fell onto his butt and pushed himself backwards, crawling away when Thor attempted to pin him by stomping his foot on his body.

Until he was able to get up on his feet, (Y/n) began to run away until he was knocked off his feet a second time when a strong force hit him. As it turned out, Thor threw his hammer at (Y/n) and summoned it back. Raising his hammer up into the air, lightning charged the enchanted Uru weapon which in turn fuelled Thor's power, even making his eyes glow blue.

By slamming his dominant foot forward, Thor shot his hammer arm out and shot lightning (Y/n)'s way, ultimately missing his intended target when that lightning was absorbed by something just as indestructible. Shocked by this intervention, Thor grimaced as he set his eyes on a black-haired woman protecting her husband.

"Pick on someone your own size..." Diana spat and screamed when she slammed her gauntlets together, creating a shockwave of her own that knocked Thor off his feet.

The two God-like individuals clashed for the first time while (Y/n) did what he could in assisting his wife's sisters in the siege. Remaining Amazons were fortunate to make it past the barrier in time before it completely blocked out all other persons, some unfortunates who died almost instantly.

The Vikings found themselves incapable of breaking the energy-based dome with their weapons or their fists. As a result, they concentrated all their catapults on the dome. While Diana and Thor battled it out, she became curious and inquired about the purpose of his invasion but was only met by blows delivered and given.

"Who the hell are you?" Thor panted as he clenched the handle of his hammer in a vice grip.

"My name is Diana Prince-Wayne, princess of the Amazons, daughter of Hippolyta, defender of Earth. And you will learn to fear me." Diana responded proudly and cocksure.

Her expression hardened as she went to slam her braces together when Thor suddenly leapt into the sky. Her sight on him became obscured, no possible irregularity in the dark clouds above allowed her any clue of where he was until he slammed back down, creating a tsunami of dirt to knock Diana off her feet.

Floating in the sky, Diana watched as Thor continued his skirmish when suddenly his own forces followed their own in a retreat. This confused everyone until they saw that an Old God turned the the of battle by the simple use of heat vision to lay waste to a few unfortunate Vikings.

Thor was reluctant to retreat but still made a valiant attempt when failure and pride got the better of him. As a result of this, Thor commanded a retreat and the invaders took their leave while the overall cheers of the Amazons filled the skies. The barricade was lowered as soon as the last Viking ship was out of sight and the dark clouds dissipated.

In victory, the Amazons accumulated their losses and made improvements to ensure the next attack was more effective on their part. Diana then made her search for husband and her mother as finding (Y/n) was relatively easy, but her mother could not be found. Upon reuniting with each other, (Y/n) and Diana were relieved but bad news came in the form of an Amazon warrioress.

"Diana! It's your mother... she's been taken by the Vikings." 

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