Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Don't Die

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The invasion was over. Everyone was relieved and citizens holed up in buildings that weren't caught up in the destruction in Gotham cheered and applauded the Justice League. The heroes posed and waved at the people as a way to pass the time until emergency services arrived where both the League and emergency services searched for any bodies before taking their leave. In haste, Diana and (Y/n) returned to their apartment after calling it a night. 

When they returned home, the married couple walked in to find another couple occupied with each other on their couch, but as it seemed, they already got started. At the sound of the front door slamming shut, Barbara and another boy her age shot up from the couch. His face was covered in lipstick and their clothes were still attached to their bodies. Realising they were caught, the boy helped Barbara into her wheelchair before they tidied themselves up. 

"Totally a recommended baby-sitter," jested Diana. 

"I think we were better off leaving them by themselves, not with Lyta." (Y/n) added. 

The orange-haired woman panted heavily as she wheeled herself over to the Justice League members while the man entered Lyta's room to check on the baby. 

"I, I'm so sorry, Diana...  I lost... track of time..." Barbara exerted. 

A smile formed on Diana's face as she conversed with the younger woman while (Y/n) fetched a glass of water for himself. Barbara's company returned into sight before he was called over by (Y/n) to have a word. When the young couple were dismissed from the apartment, the Prince-Wayne family were finally given peace and privacy as Diana sat herself on the couch and rested her head on her hand. 

(Y/n) approached her and sat beside her with a wet tissue in hand that he used to dab the cut on her lip. The stinging sensation made Diana recoil which in turn made (Y/n) hold her by the top of her head in order to keep her still as he resumed treating his wife for her injuries. Even she could tell how stressed he was after the battle yet he was all the more relieved that they still had each other. 

"What's on your mind, dear?" Diana purred. 

"Would you like a late dinner? Perhaps I could cook up some spaghetti for dinner." (Y/n) offered. 

"That would be lovely." 

Instantly, (Y/n) was back up on his feet and in the kitchen pulling out equipment. Diana waited a minute before she got up off the couch and dragged herself into the bedroom where she removed her armour down to her underwear where she had a quick shower before putting on lingerie under a pink gown untied. 

Diana sat herself at the dinner table with a book in hand as she gave her husband no chance of verbal communication since she was so focused on her book. Once dinner was served, Diana gave no mind to her food as she was so caught up with her novel she forgot her food remained untouched.

"Diana..." (Y/n) sang. "Oh, Diana... honey!"

Unresponsive, (Y/n) noticed his wife's lips move as if reading the novel to herself until he made a second attempt at stealing her attention. This time, (Y/n) reached his foot across and rubbed her calf. Diana's eyes shot up at him as she smiled to herself internally before putting the book down at last.

"Yes, beloved?" Diana purred in a deep voice that caught (Y/n) off guard.

"You haven't touched your dinner." (Y/n) stated, about to continue when she slid her bowl across to him with a smirk on her lips. "Not what I was getting at, babe. Aren't you hungry? I could save this for tomorrow if you don't want or tonight."

Diana sighed. "I'm just not feeling up for spaghetti tonight. I think I would rather eat you out."

Her comment caught him by surprise that (Y/n) choked on his food which sent Diana into a panic as she quickly jumped up to her feet and ran around the table. Standing behind him, she pat his back roughly until he gave a sign that he was alright.

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