Chapter Eleven: Blew It

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"Joker's hacked every screen in Gotham and we still can't find the source of the signal." Jim said in a distressed manner.

Then, the Joker reappeared again.

"Here's how we do this little tango. I've tucked away a great big time bomb somewhere in Gotham City. If anyone tries something I don't like, I press this," the Clown produced a green detonator with a red button. "... and KABLOOEY!! No waiting! Now, I know you want to see the big bomb hunt from the best possible angles, so, I've set up cameras all over town. Nobody will be able to burp without us looking in on them! And since every good suspension has to have a ticking clock, here's mine!"

A clock appeared on the screen with the limited time of twenty-two minutes and thirty-six seconds before the bombs would detonate.

"Oh, what were you expecting? A round number?! I see one of our stars approaching the red carpet!"

From Joker to the next camera, the video focused on a figure in black searching Gotham Bay for the bomb Joker planted.

"And Avatar's in black. Always chic. While he's stumbling around trying to find my bomb, let's see how the local economy's doing... Now back to the flying Miss Daisy."

To everyone's surprise, Superman donated his time in assisting the authorities and (Y/n) with searching for the next bomb at the use of his x-ray vision until something caught his attention.

"Clueless as usual. Waitaminute... he seems to have found one!"

Constant camera changes managed to keep up with the Man of Steel approaching the possible whereabouts of Joker's second bomb, hidden in one of Gotham's Fire Departments. Inside, Superman was seen landing in the centre of the room, his fingers dug into the floor as a large chunk of rubble was pulled out before a bomb was visibly seen counting down its eventual detonation. Without any time to waste, Diana made off by flying into the sky with ideas calculating possible bomb locations.

A few ideas popped in her mind, but with such limited time to search each location, Diana made her way to the closest and landed in the centre of the road next to a manhole and jumped in. The murky sewer smell reached Diana's nostrils as the sewer water flowed beneath her as she hovered, avoiding the hassle of dirtying her boots. Luck seemed to be on her side as a red flashing light in the darkness at the end of the tunnel caught Diana's keen eye, indicating a camera placed in the sewers. Her only issue was the extend of the maze of the sewers. Fortunately, her gut instincts lead her towards an opening.

Down below, a steel platform with three Joker goons in body armour stood by patiently guarding the bombs. With a cocky smirk, Diana leapt down to confront the goons when all three gawked in her direction when one slammed their fist on a button that opened a large sewer tunnel gate to open. Tisking, Diana lashed out at the goons and knocked them all unconscious before examining the bomb. A reptilian hiss reached Diana's ears, alerting her of danger lurking the waters of the sewers. Her eyes scanned the environment and the waters for the threat present yet nothing could warn her of the exact location of the danger.

"Hungry..." A voice snarled following a prolonged growl.

"Show yourself!" Diana challenged.

Behind her, a voice roared. "I'll rip your flesh like paper... RRAAGGHHH!!"

Her attacker leapt out of the water, teeth glistened as the jaw of the inhuman aimed for her arm when Diana slid aside, avoiding the ten foot man-croc that appeared to face her. In an attempt to lunge his mouth at her, Diana slapped her hands on his face, stopping her from gnawing at her face when a hand balled and punched her side, launching her into a wall. Realising the challenge before her, Diana kept her sword in its sheathe and lashed out at her attacker as all it took was one punch for the crocodile-man to flee after having a few teeth knocked out.

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