Chapter Five: The Truth Shall Set You Free

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A bright light shone throughout the cave which came as an indication that morning had come. It was good timing seeing as how (Y/n) had awoken just in time to find his brother's butler walking towards him with a tray of breakfast all prepared. (Y/n) took his time as the butler lingered in (Y/n)'s company before taking a seat as per (Y/n) gesturing him to do so.

"So my brother's Batman, huh? Good to know." (Y/n) croaked as he rested his arms on his knees.

"Why, of course, sir. It is master Bruce's philosophy that in order to make Gotham feel safer, is to adopt a symbol that which criminals will find daunting; to adopt a symbol that cannot be destroyed nor ignored. To strike fear into the hearts of his enemies." The butler replied in a sophisticated manner.

"Well... he's certainly done a bloody good job at that. Now he's just pushed criminals back to the daytime for the police to put up with - the good ones, at least. If they can be bothered to stand up for themselves and what the GCPD should be."

"Though I don't see you roaming around in a Batsuit during the day."

(Y/n) chuckled. "Oh, no, no. Not me. I'd rather feel more comfortable in a ninja costume."

"Then perhaps your girlfriend would appreciate filling that role, sir?"

The two shared a hearty laugh.

"She, she's not my girlfriend." (Y/n) replied shyly. "J-Just close friends, is all, umm..."

"Alfred Pennyworth, sir. But with all due respect, don't give me that bullshit, son."

(Y/n) sighed and shook his head. "Alright, I admit. I think I'm in love with her. B-But, she's Wonder Woman! She's literally a Goddess - a demi-Goddess to be precise! - and I'm just... I'm crazy for her. I only met her a couple days ago when she saved me. Her family doesn't like me, let alone men at all, and to top things off, I don't think they've ever seen a man before."

"Master (Y/n). Your brother is a man of principles. His moral code of no killing is that of righteousness and justice. Miss Prince is a woman who shares a similar code so to protect the people and you. You do not have to have powers to be special. Criminals in Gotham fear Batman. They fear a man who has far higher intellectuality to oppose Gotham's worst. I've seen how Miss Prince looks at you, sir."

"I've noticed too! But she's probably five thousand years old--"

"Love comes in all shapes and sizes: it doesn't matter who you are. Love is love."

Now with a clearer understanding, (Y/n) found a courage dwell within him, a calling of sorts that he ought to tell Diana his feelings in confidence that she would do the same. At least he hoped. In the meantime, returning to the hotel was his first motive should he hope to find her there. It was fortunate that only the manor was burnt down, not the garage. Alfred was kind enough to hand (Y/n) car keys to a Maserati to drive to the hotel.

Upon his arrival back to the hotel, (Y/n) took his time parking before making his way into the lobby and into the elevator that he had take him to his floor. Once (Y/n) was inside his room, he locked the door behind him and let out a heavy sigh before carefully and slowly stretching as to avoid breaking the stitches whilst he changed into more casual clothing. Several minutes came to pass when a knock came at (Y/n)'s door. He took precaution this time by using a nearby lamp as a weapon and peeked through the door hole before quickly unlocking the door to let his guest in.

"Oh, thank goodness you're back." (Y/n) said breathlessly. "I was beginning to get worried, Dee."

"Worried? Need I remind you I'm more than capable of handling myself?" The princess replied with a smirk.

"I know that."

"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? Still like crap. But, I guess I can say I'm feeling better now that you're here."

Diana's heart beat quickly in her chest as a smile unconsciously formed on her lips. (Y/n) too felt excited as he did not deny nor shy away from the emotions he showed neither what he was about to say.

"Diana? I-I've been hoping I could get something off my chest," he said nervously.

Her eyes lit up as she took half a step towards him.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" She whispered, the thrill in her voice exposed.

"I... I think, I... I love you."

It took a moment for the black-haired Amazon to register the words that came out of his mouth, his true feelings towards a woman he knew for the past couple of days yet felt a year's worth of experience mould destined love. After losing her previous lover twice, Diana never thought she could love again. But she knew she had to move on, and that was exactly what she intended. Batting her eyelashes at him, Diana pressed herself against him and dropped her head from his gaze so to look at where her hand touched his chest.

When Diana met his (e/c) eyes, she found herself somewhat at a loss for words until she confessed, "I love you too."


"Really, really."

Locking lips, the couple failed to stifle moans of pleasure as Diana carefully guided (Y/n) towards his bed and pushed him once she felt his legs stop suddenly before straddling his waist. Roughly, Diana slammed her lips against his as she began to undo his pants and then the bottom half of her clothes before motioning to fix him into her until he stopped halfway through.

"You sure about this? I-I mean, before was amazing, but... I-I don't wanna rush this, this thing we've got going on now." (Y/n) stammered.

Diana frowned. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"I-I'd love to. I just..."

"Don't worry, my love. I'll take very good care of you. Nobody will dare hurt you so long as I'm watching over you."

"Gods, I love you. And I mean Gods 'cause I'm starting to believe that true Gods could've sculpted a magnificent woman like you from clay."

Diana giggled and pecked her lips on his as she repeated the first part of his sentence before resuming their activity to consume a good two hours of their day - much care would be taken as to avoid opening (Y/n)'s recent wound. In the meantime, the couple would devote their support to Bruce and his campaign in cleaning up Gotham whilst he personally dealt with his former mentor as well as saving Gotham from the tear gas that would send a small district insane.

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