Chapter Thirty-Two: Monster Mash

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With the entire team assembled in the Batcave in Gotham, (Y/n) had everybody assembled before him. All the faces he could see before him had hardened, uneasy expressions. Even with his wife right beside him, he could tell how uneasy she was. They were all uneasy but that was what it meant for them having to go to war. 

"I just wanted to thank you all for coming on such short notice. Alright, listen up! I suppose you all know this is a suicide mission. We're going into outer space to some place very, very, very dangerous. As you all know, Darkseid invaded Earth some few years ago. Well, now, it's our turn to bring the fight. He may have come to Earth thinking brute force will win alone, but what he doesn't realise is that we have each other." (Y/n) addressed his fellow Leaguers. 

(Y/n) looked over at his fellow teammate, Cyborg, and gave a reassuring nod his way. With the knowledge - so happily provided by one of the original, most valuable members of the team, the Flash - that Darkseid was watching everything, but that was the plan. 

"You see, it's all thanks to Cyborg that we could initiate our plan of attack. Through his rebirth as Cyborg through the expense of one of the Mother Boxes, he's connected to the rest; and as a bonus, to this very fancy stuff called Apokolips technology. So now we know about all the weak points. So here's the big plan. we're going to target the head honcho while the rest of us clear a path for him by taking out his Parademons. All we have to do is give Supes the opening he needs to get a little one-on-one time with Darkseid. Baby?" 

"I know what we're asking of you is... suicidal. But together, I believe we, united, will possess the capability of stopping Darkseid. The time before Darkseid's last visit, he underestimated the nations of the world. Man, woman and the sea. Now, we together shall end his reign of terror forever," she said encouragingly. "So who's with me?!" 

The heroes in front of them all raised an arm up and cheered. With morale raised, everybody prepared themselves for their arrival outside Apokolips which was due in a few minutes time. Those whose abilities were that of flight were given breathing masks while others who were not as fortunate remained behind on the jet until they were given the opportunity to disembark. 

"Alright team. Lock S-Foils in attack position," said (Y/n). "Red Eleven standing by. Get ready to disembark in five. Four. Three. Two. One... Go, go, Power Rangers! Let's kick some ass!!" 

Chaos ensued when the jet managed to get close enough to land without the planet's ground defences nor the Parademons taking them out immediately. Only as soon as everyone was clear of the jet did it explode. It was through careful planning that the heroes could initiate the first part of their plan. With the focus of the Parademons on the League, Superman was there to meet Darkseid himself when he dared to oppose the last Kryptonian. 

Darkseid stared down the League's strongest member and boomed, "KRYPTONIAN! KNEEL BEFORE DARKSEID!!" 

"Make me." Clark quipped. 

While the two battled it out, the rest of the League initiated the middle part of their plan by keeping Darkseid's army's focus on them.

"Cyborg. You ready to initiate phase two?" (Y/n) asked, yelling.

"Just get me to the central computer! Barry, clear a path!" Cyborg shouted in response.

"Already on it," said the Scarlet Speedster.

Giving a moment to feel the sensation of the ground beneath his feet, (Y/n) paused for a moment and focused so that he could channel dirt and soil to bend to his will. Within a matter of seconds, (Y/n) reformed his colossal form and crushed turrets beneath his feet and Parademons with his hands. The glory of battle became so monumental, the Leaguers found joy in what they were doing.

As Superman clashed with the New God, he found himself quickly losing to the point that he was close to death. That was, until the spawn of Satan had used an incantation to summon her father, Trigon, a demonic incarnation so powerful that even the Old Gods feared him - imagine if it were the Devil himself.

When Trigon was summoned, he found himself a worthy possession and took the Kryptonian as his host in order to unleash. Shocked by these turn of events, Darkseid found himself battling it out with someone far more powerful than he. The raw strength Trigon made Darkseid temple under his might as Apokolips shaded by the foundation of Hell itself.

While this went on, Cyborg followed after his good friend, Barry, who had followed his guidance on the path to Darkseid's computer. From there, Cyborg managed to interface with the entire planet's systems. Though it would take a bit before he would gain full control, Barry protected his ally when Parademons were sent to intercept them. In the process of uploading himself to the system, Cyborg stumbled upon something that would secure the hero's victory. 

"Guys! Assemble to my location, now! I can get us home," yelled Victor. 

Cyborg was able to open up a portal in the room he was in, waiting for his teammates to gather around him to make their way home. Not several minutes later and the entire team had gathered before him where he was able to open a portal for everybody to pass through that would take the right back to Earth. 

"Victor, c'mon, man!" Arthur ushered the cyborg. 

Victor eyed everyone staring at him and frowned as beads of sweat ran down the human part of his face, expressing the sheer pressure he was going through to ensure the portal remained stabilised long enough for them all to pass through. 

"I-I can't... This has to be done this way." Victor disagreed. "Once I hooked myself up to the systems, it's somehow linked me to everything. I can... I can feel all this power. So much tech at my fingertips. And it's all mine." 

"Pull out, Victor! Resist!" Diana begged. 

"I'm, I'm sorry, Diana. We've had a good run, huh... Guys, y-you gotta go. I don't know... how much I-I can keep it open." 

One by one, everybody entered the portal that took them directly to the Batcave underneath Wayne Manor. Through the cave's surveillance systems could they listen in on Victor's conscience as he gave his final moments something honourable as he initiated the end of Apokolips and Darkseid himself. The one known as Raven watched on in sadness as her cloak concealed most of her face but the others around her could sense her distress watching her father meet his end. 

"Suck it, bitches. Looks like I get the last word." Victor muttered to himself. 

Then, static. 

In dreadful silence, everybody remained as they came to accept the premature demise of Victor Stone. Just when the others had begun to face facts that his physical embodiment was no more, it came as a shocker when they heard his voice speak to them through the cave's computer. As a last minute contingency, Victor managed to upload his subconscious into every computer across the world, keeping him stabilised to some capacity. 

But what everybody failed to notice was that not all persons were accounted for. This struck a panic to quell within Diana as she made a quick headcount to see just who was missing until her fears came to light. It was (Y/n) who was not present. When the others comprehended (Y/n)'s absence, they all became worried. 

Victor acted in haste, searching for their missing teammate - his reach expanded galaxy-wide - only to find that there was no definite reading on where the earth-bender could be. Even with limited access to Apokolips technology upon its destruction, Victor had no concrete evidence that could prove that (Y/n) was even alive. 

As of now, (Y/n) was M.I.A. 

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