Chapter Three: Hive Of Scum And Villainy

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Later that day, arrival to the hive of scum and villainy that was Gotham came as an unwelcoming feeling to that of the two new arrivals, (Y/n) and Diana. Knowing that he sought privacy of his identity until he felt he was ready was entrusted as a secret to that of Diana as the two found themselves sailing towards the docks where smoke arose from chimneys and mills. The docks were riddled with workers out and about without a care of the two arrivals that ported and gathered their belongings in preparation to hastily reach the nearest hotel.

"Welcome to Gotham," said (Y/n) to Diana. "Gotham... the place where the worst of the worst of the worst reside as murdering, stealing, raping and just straight up being a massive pain in the ass for the Gotham City Police Department and the Batman. It's just such a damn shame that half the GCPD is bought under the thumb of Black Mask, Roman Sionis."

"Sounds like my kind of town," jested Diana. "How did this Black Mask afford to corrupt these gentlemen whose duties were to protect the innocent and uphold the law?"

"Well... I-I don't really know the answer to that. All I can assume is it's to get past drug deals and weapon deals without worrying about some cop trying to act brave."

The two collected their luggage and made their way along the docks towards the street where they waited for a taxi to drive past so that they could hail and make haste to reach a decent establishment.

"So it is not their choice - this Roman Sionis blackmails them?"

"Perhaps. Who knows? All I know is, it's not safe 'round here."

The polluted air brought a slight discomfort in the throats of both Diana and (Y/n) as the loud coughing of bystanders made them notice just how sick and deluded Gotham really was to anybody but the rich. After thirty minutes without a taxi driving past, (Y/n) concluded that the two would have to walk their way to a hotel. With her weapons concealed under her cloak, Diana walked in stride alongside (Y/n) to appear as if they were a couple.

The thought that lingered made Diana recall her relationship with a man she once cared for. The hero that was Steve Trevor. (Y/n) would steal glances around him to check whether they had a tail. To his relief, nobody dared follow them, yet he persisted to rush for safety within a decent hotel he concluded would be suitable for himself and Diana. Until they reached a decent establishment, (Y/n) gave a fake smile to a doorman who opened the door for the two until they disappeared from his line of sight.

Now that the two were inside a hotel lobby, (Y/n) approached the front desk and afforded accommodation for the two of them. To his relief, two adjoining rooms were vacant for himself and Diana to occupy until they could find stable grounds now that they were officially in Gotham City. Once the room keys were in his possession, (Y/n) lead the way while Diana tailed slightly behind being lost in her own thoughts until they reached their rooms and secluded themselves into privacy.

Alone in his room, (Y/n) found himself pacing from one side of the room to the other when he thought up an idea to take his mind off things. Sitting on the end of his bed, (Y/n) found the television remote and flipped through every channel until he found one that took his fancy and came to relax until there was an unexpected knock at his door. Curiously, he answered. Peeking through the door hole, (Y/n) noticed a stranger in a trench coat with their face concealed with that of a fedora before unlocking the door.

"Can I help you?" (Y/n) addressed the unexpected visitor.

In return for his somewhat pleasant acknowledgement, (Y/n) was greeted by a garrotte wire around his throat. The stranger began to strangle him once they had the advantage. (Y/n) make choking and strangulated noises as he desperately fought off his attacker as a piece of furniture caught (Y/n)'s reach. In haste, he smashed the object in his hands into the face of his attacker, instantly reliving him of having his throat get garrotted.

(Y/n) turned against the assassin by charging them into a wall when he felt an elbow slam into his back until he was forced to let go, only to have the attacker's hands grope around his throat. Kicking the shin of the assassin, (Y/n) jabbed his fist at his attacker's face until he was able to take ahold of the garrotte wire used against him just moments ago and placed his foot firmly on the assassin's upper back to apply more pressure with the wire that dug into his throat. With one hand on the rope and the other flailing back, the assassin's struggles came to cease to the point (Y/n) had to relinquish his advances on the assassin.

In a thud, the assassin's body collapsed forward onto the floor, the garrotte wire now hanging by (Y/n)'s hand before resting. Then, a thought popped in his mind. Hastily, (Y/n) rushed out of his room to stand outside Diana's as he knocked rapidly until he was answered. Relief flushed over him when he found himself face to face with Diana in pyjamas as in turn, Diana appeared deeply concerned for how injured (Y/n)'s face was when he slid past her to examine her room; every nook and cranny for any signs of an assassin in her room.

"(Y/n)! Answer me! What's going on?!" Diana yelled as she closed her door and stood in the centre of her room, her eyes followed (Y/n) in concern of his irrational behaviour.

(Y/n) continued to ignore her until he took a big step towards her and cupped her cheeks so to closely examine her face.

"You're alright... you're alright. Thank God you're alright," panted (Y/n).

"(Y/n). Talk to me. What's the matter?" Diana purred more calmly as she copied his gesture while his hands slid from her face to her sides.

The two failed to realise just how drawn they were simply by the eye contact they formed. Neither acknowledged the strange feeling within their stomachs as (Y/n)'s breathing steadied to the point he was able to speak calmly in a manner that Diana found ever so slightly relieving.

"I, I'm glad you're alright." (Y/n) sighed breathlessly.

Diana's brows furrowed as she shared her concerns. "(Y/n) Wayne, you owe me answers. What happened to your face? Why are you in such a panic - to search my room and express your relief of my wellbeing?"

Leaving her unsatisfied, (Y/n) slipped out of her grip back to his room where she followed, to find the body of (Y/n)'s would-be assassin laid deceased on the floor. A gasp escaped her lips as she closed the door to avoid causing trouble in the establishment of the hotel where she resumed petering him with questions about the on goings on. (Y/n) searched the body of the assassin, where he discovered a match packet that he opened and read something on the inside.

"What is it?" Diana murmured.

(Y/n) handed her the packet where she read an address, the hotel's address and their rooms, in red writing.

"How could this be? Could someone want you dead?"

"I don't know... but I'm going to find out."

"Don't you worry about that now. Sit."

(Y/n) looked at her curiously before doing as he was told. While Diana searched the bathroom for a medical kit, while he occupied a spot on the end of her bed. When she returned, in her hand was a medical kit that she opened to use the contents to tend to his injuries.

"Thanks." (Y/n) said bashfully at how close their faces were from each other's.

"My pleasure. Will you be alright going to sleep tonight?" Diana whispered.

(Y/n) hummed and bid the demi-goddess goodnight before retiring to his bed.

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