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Hello everyone!
How are you all? It's been a while but we will be starting off from the end of The reaper story and don't worry it won't be dragged out to be very long.


[Backyard of Naito's house]

A huge circle appeared in the ground, inside of the circle it looked like the scenery of outer space.

Time and all movements seemed to have stopped after the circle appeared, it was lightly snowing at night.

???: Finally...

A human jumped of the the portal as they headed straight inside the house. Searching around for a while before entering the library. The person looked in the mirror which was inside of the library, it reflected the person's navy blue eyes and jet black hair.

Naito: I haven't changed at all...

Naito went ahead and held the same book he was reading when Y/N appeared which caused the time to finally continue.

Naito: He will be here any second...

Just as Naito was thinking a warping sound came from behind him.

Naito turned around to look at a man in his 30's with black hair.

Y/N: You... what have you done?

Naito: This happened years ago. I finally managed to return to my original world but I won't stay here, I will kill you and balance out the universe, Y/N.

Y/N: I see.... you have already mastered the art of the Dead Moon.

Naito: Yea-

???: Naito-san?

Both of them were interrupted as the voice of a boy came into the room, followed by the door opening and closing.

Naito: Mudano? Why are you up so late?

Mudano: It's December 13 today! Your birthday!

Naito: Ah.

Mudano: Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday!

Naito: No it's just been a while, you should go back to bed.

Mudano: Ok.

Y/N: Can he not see me?

Naito completely ignored Y/N until Mudano left the room.

Naito: He's special, he can't see the normal souls and other "unexplainable" things like normal people can see.

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