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Soooo, how's everyone?
I'm back after a long break. I'm feeling good and I'm looking forward to ending this book now, so let us continue.


Tomioka was walking quietly as he led Mudano towards the water estate. Mudano kept talking, never stoping.

Tomioka: Ok, you will atleast train for 3 months before I let you join the corps.

Mudano: Only 3?

Tomioka: Yeah, you seem promising.

Mudano's eyes lit up with excitement.


Mudano screamed as he bowed towards Tomioka. Tomioka didn't felt any sort of annoyance this time, which was shocking considering how loud noises were never his thing.

Tomioka: Let's go...

Mudano: Right.

They both got inside the Water estate as Tomioka looked around for a while.

Mudano: What are you looking for?

Tomioka: A wooden sword.

Mudano: For me?

Tomioka: Yeah, you broke the last one...

Mudano broke a sweat as he scratched his head.

Mudano: Sorry...

Tomioka: Here.

Tomioka gave a wooden sword to Mudano as they both went to the yard.

Mudano: Now what?

Tomioka: Try to land a hit on me.

Mudano: Huh!?

Tomioka: I said try-

Mudano: No! I heard you but... How?

Tomioka: I don't know just try it.

Mudano looked confused but Tomioka looked just as confused, he was training someone for the first time.

Mudano: Ok. Just like I learned... The water breathing... Focus my breathing.

Tomioka: He is pulling the air?..

Mudano jumped straight at Tomioka as he swung his sword at him, Tomioka easily dodged it as he was about to punch Mudano away.

Mudano: Not so quick.

Mudano saw the punch coming, which made him able to dodge it.

Tomioka: Wha-

Tomioka wasn't expecting those quick reactions from a newbie, it made him freeze for a while.

Mudano: Water breathing - formless.

Mudano used a completely new form of the water breathing as he landed a slight hit on Tomioka's shoulder before he maintained the distance.

Tomioka: What form... was that?

Mudano: I couldn't learn any of the forms so, I just mixed all of them without their most important component. This is the end result.

Tomioka: That's impressive that he created a form by himself, but if the components aren't there it's useless.

Tomioka jumped towards Mudano as he curled his fingers into a fist to punch him. Mudano saw it as he got ready to strike back.

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