The pillars

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Hello everyone,
How are you all? I hope you all are doing fine. Well let us begin with another chapter.


Mudano and Honoka both arrived at the final meeting point of the final selection, there were about 4 of them excluding them.

Mudano: They all appear so different from each other.

There was a blonde dude muttering something.

A girl with pink tips smiling while looking down.

Another guy with dark red hair and a scar in his forehead.

The last one was another guy, this one appeared angry and quiet.

Mudano: Only a few of us got selected, huh?

Honoka: What were you expecting? You nearly died yourself.

Mudano: *sigh* I guess you're right.

The same two short ones came out on the stage. They congratulated the ones who got selected and were talking about some sorts of ores before getting interrupted by the angry looking dude.

???: Huh? Where my katana?! The colour changing katana!?

Mudano: Calm down, let them finish.

???: Shut up!

Mudano: I'm just trying to help.

Mudano said while raising his hands.

The angry dude went on towards the girls and grabbed one of them by the hair.

???: Give me the katana now!

Honoka jumped in on the scene after things started ti get physical.

Honoka: Get your hands off her.

???: What will you do if I don't?

Honoka slapped the guy across the face knocking him back.

Honoka: You want another?

???: Tsk.

Mudano: Oh, wow.

The black haired kid talked and gathered them all across a table to select some ores. Mudano came near the table and looked around until he saw a glowing blue ore.

Mudano didn't think much and just picked up that ore for himself before leaving

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Mudano didn't think much and just picked up that ore for himself before leaving.

Mudano: Now I will meet up with Tomioka-san and train some more.

???: Mudano.

Mudano turned around to see Honoka.

Honoka: How rude, you aren't even going to say goodbye after I saved your life?

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