The Big meeting

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Yo, it's been long since I left this story.
I've been busy and all but who cares, the thing is I'm free for some days now and I feel motivated enough to continue, so let's begin.


Everyone was shocked to see such an unusual colour on the sword. Mudano was a user of the water breathing and it would have made most sense if he got a blue sword.

Sanemi: Purple?

Tomioka: ...

Rengoku: I think I remember this colour on a sword, but from where?

Obanai: What's this? Aren't you suppose to get a blue one?

Shinobu: Don't get so concerned about the blade, purple is indeed a rare colour and hasn't been seen by any of us. But, it most likely has a meaning, right?

Gyomei: Poor soul....

Mudano: Purple? I wanted a blue one.. is it ok for a successor of the breathing to not have the perfect colour.

Mudano looked up towards Tomioka. Tomioka was also looking at him, his eyes not saying anything they seemed dull as usual.

Mudano: He doesn't mind this at all.

Just as they were discussing the matter a crow came flying towards them.

Crow: Caw! Mudano Y/N and Honoka Tsuyomi have been assigned to investigate the hills towards the south! Caw! They're to immediately leave as soon as possible! The fushinagi Mountain is the destination!

Tomioka: That was fast.

Rengoku: HMM! Honoka! I give you my blessings for your first mission!

Honoka: Thank you, Master.

Shinobu: Mudano-kun, don't worry about the colour you know your own strength so go on and become strong.

Mudano: Of course.

Mudano picked up his sword as he placed it beside his waist and he also picked up the haori that Shinobu had gifted him.

Mudano picked up his sword as he placed it beside his waist and he also picked up the haori that Shinobu had gifted him

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His eyes didn't show much emotion, something he had picked up from Tomioka.

Mudano: I will be going now, Master.

Tomioka: Ok.

Mudano bowed to Tomioka before starting to leave.

Honoka: Hey wait up!

Honoka ran from behind and caught up with him.

Honoka: We're supposed to work together, don't go ahead alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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