Making a deal

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Hello everyone
How are you all? I hope you all are doing fine. So we left off with Mudano losing consciousness. So let's continue.


The sounds of Tomioka running were solid. People were starring at him as he rushed towards the butterfly mansion with Mudano in his hands.

Tomioka: Don't die on me...

Tomioka looked down at Mudano. Mudano hadn't even shown any signs of movement at all. His breathing and pulse were also slowing down.

After a while of Tomioka running he reached the Butterfly mansion, looking for anyone to help him.


Tomioka yelled as he ran through the hallway. He ran into the room where they kept the wounded Demon slayers.

There were atleast 10 demon slayers in there, who looked terrified to see Tomioka like that.

Tomioka: Where kocho?!

Demon slayer: S-She is in her office!

Tomioka got out of the room as he rushed for Shinobu's office, hitting a couple of walls on the way.

Tomioka: Kocho!!

Tomioka slammed open the door, revealing Shinobu and Aoi. Shinobu looked like she was teaching Aoi something.

Aoi: Wa-water pillar?

Aoi was shocked by Tomioka's way of entrance because he was mostly a quiet man. Shinobu, on the other hand seemed to have already caught onto the situation as she grabbed stuff to help Mudano.

Shinobu: Aoi! Make him lay down on the bed and open up his shirt!

Shinobu was working quick because she knew she was the one who caused this.

Shinobu: I told him to train till he dropped not till he died!

Aoi followed Shinobu's step and had Mudano on the bed.

Shinobu: Ok what's wrong here....

Shinobu looked all over his body as she analysed it.

Shinobu: His veins!

Shinobu grabbed Mudano's shoulder as she started to slowly insert the scalpel in.

Tomioka: What happened to him?

Shinobu: Aoi please take him out for now...

Aoi: Umm... right!

Tomioka stood still as Aoi tried to push him out. But, even he wasn't childish enough to interrupt Shinobu while she was trying to save someone's life.

Tomioka: I hope he is ok....

[Somewhere Underground]

A group of highly skilled demons were having a meeting. There were nine of them in the room.

Muzan: Two of those sun breathers are still alive...

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