Train till you drop

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Hello everyone
How are you all? I hope you are all doing fine. As for the book, we left off with Tomioka and Mudano heading towards Somewhere, let's continue.


Tomioka and Mudano were moving down the snow capped mountain as they could feel their legs getting caught in the huge amount of snow.

Tomioka: It did snow really hard...

Mudano: Hey! Tomioka-san!

Tomioka: uggh...

Tomioka seemed done with Mudano as he won't stop talking at all, and Tomioka just hated talking.

Tomioka: I hate talking, so don't talk to me.

Mudano: Well, I like talking so like I was saying. What's the date?

Tomioka: This is going to be a very annoying walk. It's December... 13? Yes it's December 13 today.

Mudano: Oh! I see.... December 13... what was today? Today.... ah damnit! I can't remember.

Tomioka: Come on, we are out of the mountain now so keep up.

Mudano didn't notice it but they seem to have completed their journey down the mountain. It wasn't very tall but it was atleast a lot bigger than he anticipated.

Mudano: Ok, let's go- huh!?

Mudano was looking towards Tomioka when Tomioka just disappeared.

Tomioka: What's wrong?

Mudano: You disappeared for a second!

Tomioka: I didn't, you are just slow.

Mudano: Oh...

Mudano broke a sweat as he and Tomioka slowly walked towards the place Tomioka was about to take Mudano.

Mudano: Where are we going though?

Tomioka: The Water estate.

Mudano: Water estate?

Tomioka: It's the place where I live.

After that Tomioka just went quiet and didn't talk no matter how much Mudano would bug him so they just kept walking.

Mudano: At least tell me how far it is.

Tomioka: We are near.

Mudano: Alright.

Mudano and Tomioka just kept walking until they heard the voice of a woman coming from infront of them.

???: Doesn't seem like he is here... did he not return?

Mudano: I wonder what his house looks like.

Mudano didn't seem to care but Tomioka just froze still on his place.

Tomioka: It's her....

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