Final Selection

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Hello everyone,
How are you all? I hope you are all doing.
Let us continue from where we left off.


Mudano was just standing up as he was looking around.

Mudano: There's a lot of people here, huh?

As Mudano was thinking to himself two small children came out through the woods.

Mudano: What's up with those children? Are they the children of the master?

The two of them started to explain everything about the final selection, but Mudano didn't need to hear any of it, he was already trained enough to know everything about the corps.

Mudano: I hope atleast 10 of us survive.

???: Quite selfless, aren't you?

Mudano: Huh?

Mudano turned around to see a girl, who looked around the age of 15-16. She had beautiful black hair as she looked at Mudano with a smile.

 She had beautiful black hair as she looked at Mudano with a smile

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Mudano: Who are you?

Mudano's eyes widen slightly, it felt like he had known her in another time...

Honoka: I'm Honoka Tsuyomi, a flame breather.

Mudano: Flame...

Honoka: Yeah. But about what you just said, you seem like a nice guy.

Honoka closed in towards Mudano as she looked directly in his eyes.

Honoka: Take care of yourself, you might die here.

Mudano just looked at Honoka without any emotions in his eyes, he had learned more than just swordmanship from Tomioka.

Honoka: I hope I will meet you after this.

Mudano: Take care...

The final selection just began as Mudano left to enter the forest. As he made his way he didn't run into any demons for the first day. It was like they were keeping their distance from him.

Mudano: Odd, Tomioka-san said there are lots of demons here.

Mudano sat down as he looked left and right. A sharp sense of grief and fear entered his system.

Mudano: What's this?

Mudano was shaking, his senses were able to pinpoint the location of this presence.

Mudano: Should I go? What if someone is in trouble?

Everything he had done was coming in his mind, everything he had heard.

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