Chapter 3

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A/N: Word help/pronunciation :

Visenoria: Vai-zen-oriah.


"Okay so about this place, it is invisible to all humans of the outer world, like you.Our world is cut out from yours, its like we don't exist for you and you don't exist for us. Isolated but not alone. The only way for us to see you is if we come out into your world." I nod slowly and try my best to wrap my head around the information.

"But doesn't that mean I should be able to see you too? Now that I'm here?"

"It really just doesn't work that way. Humans no matter where they are just cant see us." He pauses for a minute, clearly frustrated.

"Now the problem here is... the problem with you that is... that people from the outer world can't see us or hear us but you can hear us. Why is it so, even I don't know."

My heart sinks at his words, if he didn't know then who did? As if reading my thoughts he says,

 "I know someone who might be able to help you. I'll take you there tomorrow, its better if you rest for a while." I want to ask him about the people here but sleep gets the better of me. 

"Okay." I reply drowsily with half lidded eyes I begin to relax and lie down but my head never reaches the surface of the bed in fact it ends up going lower than that and further into the sand. I pull my legs towards myself which were still hanging on top of the bed.

 I brush the never-ending sand off of me. I must have been sitting on the edge of the bed. "You can see me can't you? Couldn't you have just told me that I was on the edge of this mini cliff ?" I say angrily.

He starts laughing.

 "Alright. I'll tell you the next time you fall off." I roll my eyes at him annoyed at his response. "Just leave me alone and let me sleep!" My hand grabs hold of something and I throw it at him.

"NO. Not my alarm clock!" He screams as a loud crash fills the air by my terribly aimed throw of an alarm clock which for some reason I thought was a pillow. 

"Not my photo frame too!" He exclaims. "Your dumbness broke my alarm clock and my beautiful face!" 

"Just leave and I'll spare whatever else is here!" I say trying really hard not to get too snarky.

The door slams shut and I, assuming that he was gone, go back to completing my wonderful sleep.


I walk with someone by my side and I'm hoping he's Lucas because he's the only person I know here. I don't know where we're headed to, but after asking multiple time to Lucas, who was hopefully still walking with me I gave up, he just wouldn't tell.

 After all the trouble I went through in the morning, I was truly and completely pissed off . A lot of seemingly impossible things happened to me. I was crawling on my bed to find its edge, I did not want to fall again! Breakfast was simply the worst. Though I was really hungry and I wanted to eat something fast, It was the most struggle and hard work I've ever been through. My food had to be guided to my hand and I still don't know what I even ate! Someone could literally feed me drugs or moldy bread and I wouldn't even know unless I took a bite of course. I didnt trust anyone here completely yet.

We kept walking and it was really getting tiring. I was frequently pulled into different directions so I wouldn't bump into anything.

 We stopped abruptly. "What's wrong? Why did we stop?" I asked feeling relieved that we did stop. 

"We've reached our destination" he replies with a loud and heavy voice like how someone would announce in a court. Immediately a strong scent hits my nose, and somehow I found myself debating whether the smell was soothing or not. 

"So where are we?" I ask, holding on to Lucas's arm for support.

 I hear another man's voice. The voice is gruff and brittle and I immediately refer it to an old man's voice. "Good morning my child what seems to be the matter" he says his jolly voice filling my ears.

 I don't know what's going on until Lucas speaks "I'm here with this girl, she is quite different from the others. She can touch the objects here and can hear us but can't see us." "Hmm I see....." there is a lot of clattering and many things fall creating a high pitched and ear piercing sound, I assume that he must have misplaced something, the noises continues until he starts speaking again.

"So you want me to give her the Visenoria?" He asks clearing his throat.

 "Yes" Lucas replies. "Wait what's going on and what's  a Visenoria?" this time Lucas speaks again "It's a rare plant found only here which was and still is sometimes now too given to humans like you or well rather normal humans so you can see our world, but only for a few days, you would have to take the Visenoria again. I stood in confusion, these people seemed completely crazy, what if they tried to poison me? I had every right to be extra cautious. 

I was going to see this place and I was excited about it but that didn't mean I would want to risk my life for it. The clattering begins again. After a really long time the guy yells gibberish and I guess he found whatever he wanted.

 "Come here child" he says. "He's talking to you" Lucas whispers nudging his elbow in my side.

 How was I supposed to know who he was calling? I'm almost blind here. I go up to him dropping or breaking pretty much everything in my way. He lifts my hand and puts a cylindrical object on it. I felt it and turns out that it was a glass.

 "Drink it" he says. The sickeningly sweet smell of the liquid inside makes me feel nauseous. But I had no choice. "Don't look" I say, fearing the strange looks they'll give me on the weird faces that I'll make on drinking the liquid. Hoping they listened to me I bring the liquid to my lips and gulp it trying very hard not to puke. My vision blurs I begin to see two silhouettes. I blinked a few times and I  see two people standing there. 

"Can you see us" the guy with the white long beard, almost touching his chest and face covered in wrinkles that made him look like he was a man in his sixties asks . That voice was familiar and in an instant I knew that he was the old man so that meant the guy standing next to him was Lucas.

 He is tall really very tall around six feet. From where I was standing I could see that his dark brown hair was tousled and fell over his eyes. He wore a red t-shirt over a pair of blue pants. He stood at the door-way with his head turned away from me, like he was looking for something outside. He was really young, around sixteen or seventeen years old. His pale skin gave me another reason to find him attractive. But he didn't have to know that. Who knows he might not end up being as nice. The old man walks up to me and waves his hand in my face and i immediately snap out of my momentary daze. "I-uh-  yeah- I can see you"

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