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I gasped for air.
I felt like a fish out of water. My heart was beating out of my chest. I looked around in panic, I arrived around 2. It was now pitch black outside, not even the moon light shined through our sheer curtains.

I woke up with his arm wrapped around my waist.
Normally this is how we would of sleep, when I used to feel protected—safe. I no longer felt that way, not in the slightest. I was the complete opposite.

I was terrified.

It's crazy because a part of me was in denial. I just could not wrap my mind around the thought, that Terrance was seconds away from taking my life.

Did our altercation really happen earlier, or was it just a vivid dream— a nightmare.

I didn't know—I felt so lightheaded. I slid out of his embrace, moving my body from under the covers. Terrance had always been a heavy sleeper, but I didn't want to risk waking him.

Tip-toeing out of the room, I closed the door behind me. I went downstairs to the guest bathroom, and turned on the light.

I stood there looking at myself for a minute, before tears rushed down my face. Horrified at the sight.

I didn't dream it—it was real.

My neck was covered in dark red-purplish bruises, showcasing the outline of his hand.

I covered my mouth, as a sob threatened to escape.

Fuck Syn.

What are you gonna do?

I have no family, no "brothers". It was just me, I felt so fucking defenseless. He was an FBI agent, not some small time cop. Not to mention, he was best friends with the head of the bureau. Who was gonna believe me if I came forward, it was his word over mine.

Lawyer or not, getting those charges to stick would be damn near impossible. I quickly wiped my face, I didn't have time for self pity. I needed to leave, and fast.

I turned off the light and started searching the kitchen for my phone. After 5 mins of looking, I grew worried that he had it.


I ran my hands through my hair.

Think Syn, think.

I couldn't leave without my phone.

I crept back up the steps, entering our room.
He laid in bed sound asleep. The fact that he looked so peaceful, made me sick.

I quietly rummaged my dresser and grabbed some emergency cash and my 9mm. Terrance and I had access to each other's bank account and I didn't need a paper trail.

I wasn't taking any clothes, but the clothes on my back. I looked around on our bed for my phone, before I saw that my phone was hanging halfway out  his pocket.

I bite down on my lip and slowly tried to shimmy my phone out of his pocket. As soon as it was almost in my hand, he grabbed my wrist.

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