I Need To Save Her From Aro

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Bella's POV (yay!! New POV!!)
"Renesmee!" I called to my daughter. She's 18 almost 19 now.
"Yeah mom?" She said.
"Your dad wants you. Oh and Jake is here." I saw her eyes light up right at the moment that I said 'Jake'.
"Ok." She said and ran off to her father. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it.
"Austin?" I gasped.
"Hey." He said. The one thing that Edward didn't know, was that Austin was my brother. Yeah, I don't think anybody knew. The only way that Edward and Austin are cousins through being a vampire.and we may not look a lot alike but we are. Him and Edward look more alike. And we're twins!
"So how have you been?" I asked.
"Really great. But there's one thing I have to tell you." He said.
"Your and aunt."
"Wait, are you serious?! Austin tahrs great!"
"Thanks. Yeah Melody Grace Lynch."
"Oh yeah. I forgot. Um, apparently we were adopted."
"Really? So we weren't Moon?"
"Apparently. We're Lynch's. Well your not anymore but, you would've been."
"Ok, anyway. That's a really cute name. Who's the mother?"
"Ally Dawson, yeah you haven't met her. Then again she had an album out."
"Yeah I've heard of her. And you've talked about her before I moved, I just never got to see her."
"Yeah, I told her that you might want to meet her and Mel."
"Yeah. That'd be great."
"Mom who's at the door?" Renesmee said.
"Austin, my brother."
"Your brother?" Edward said coming into the room.
"Yeah. He's my twin. I know we don't look alike but this dude keeps his hair blonde."
"Yeah. Hi Edward." He said coldly.
"Hi." Edward said in the same tone.
"Bella can I speak to you for a sec?"
"Uh yeah. Austin this is Renesmee, and u know you know who this is since your froze and staring at him." I said.
"Uh, yeah." She said.
I chuckled and went to Edward and I's room with Edward.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Who invited him here?"
"He came why? What's wrong?"
"We haven't been getting along lately."
"Ok. But can't you just be nice to him long enough so I can meet my niece and his girlfriend?"
"I don't know. They're human. You think Jasper can handle it?"
"Yeah. I'm sure he can." I said.
We went back out to where Austin and Ness was and they were laughing with Jacob.
"Hey bells. How does she know where I'm ticklish?!"
I tried to keep in a laugh.
"And I know you told you her. Cause you and Ally are the only ones that know.." He laughed.
"Yeah." I said.
Austin's phone started ringing.
"Hello? Hey Ally..... Yeah..... Wait they're there?! ..... Yeah, I'm coming... Just stay where you are and keep Mel close to you and keep her quiet... Okay, don't hang up I wanna hear what's going on...." I said worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's Ally and Mel. I made the mistake of leaving them in the house alone. Aro is at the house looking for them and you know he will find them." He said.
"C'mon. This isn't our first time fighting Aro. I'll call Alice and she can tell the rest of the family to come to your house." I said.
Austin was already out of the house and on his way back. I don't guess he drove here.
"Ok. Renesmee, stay here. Jake come with us."
"But, mom!"
"No stay here."
"Kay." She pouted.
"Kay. C'mon we have to get there as fast as possible. Luckily your fast Edward."
"Yeah." He said and started running.
Why Aro? Why.... The next chapter may be very interesting. So be prepared... 😏

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