Underwater Love

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Summary: When Harry learns that he must save Malfoy in the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, his future is completely altered. From there, things quickly get out of hand, in ways he never imagined.


Contains smut (no underage smut)

Word count: 26826


"Harry! Harry!" Harry could feel his body being nudged by someone, he grunted and buried himself in the hard surface of something that could be assumed was a hardcover of a book "Harry! Bloody hell, wake up!" He was shaken violently and he snapped his eyes open to see Ron before him.

"What? What?" He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes, he must have fallen asleep when he tried to figure out what to do last night with Ron. They didn't seem to succeed as they both dozed off in the middle of it, a bunch of books were still around them on the floor "Did Hermione come back?"

"No, but you have ten minutes before the Second Task starts" Ron announced and Harry stared at him with wide eyes. He looked down at the watch on his wrist with horror, he would be late if he didn't hurry there now. He got up and made his way out of the library, he was practically running out of there with Ron "Dobby woke me up and told me to give you this"

Harry watched Ron hand him a green ball with a hint of grey in it, it was slimy and was making Ron's hand slippery as well "Gillyweed, Harry, eat it before you go underwater, Dobby said so"

"It looks like a rat tail"

"Whatever it is, I think you should trust Dobby" Ron shrugged and Harry grunted, taking the ball while the two of them sprinted down the staircase. He didn't have much faith in Dobby's advice, considering his own experiences, but Ron trusted him, so maybe he should too. He finally got out to the lawn, meeting the bright light of the morning and found his way to the judges' table along with Ron. Viktor, Cedric, and Fleur were already there, standing beside them. Harry glanced at the lake, still nervous since he wasn't sure how this would end. He could die, it was a real possibility.

"Where have you been?" He turned to hear a firm, harsh voice directing at him and saw Percy at the table "You're almost late to the task"

"Give him a break, Percy" Ron heaved loudly, waving his brother off and he for once felt lucky that Ron was here and on his side. He crouched down with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He felt like his lungs were trying its best to breathe properly again. Ron was next to him, hands on his hips as he tried to breathe as well. Bagman had noticed the four of them were all here and raised his wand, his voice booming to the stands where other students and professors were standing and cheering on.

"All our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle" Bagman said loudly and Ron squeezed his shoulders to comfort him "They have exactly an hour to regain what has been taken from them, their treasures. On the count of three. One...two...three" The whistle was loud in the air as he took off his shoes and socks, getting into the lake. The other champions were going down too, but he tried to focus on himself as he pulled out the gillyweed and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He bit the inside of his cheek from the cold when he stepped into the water, every wind that hit his skin felt like spears. The gillyweed felt slimy and wet in his mouth, it was hard to chew but he has to try at least. He swallowed it finally, feeling the gillyweed slip down his throat while the water was up to his waist. He waited patiently, there was laughter filling up the air. He couldn't help but turn to look at the stands, knowing he'd see Malfoy at the front of the crowd with his "Potter Stinks" badge. Surprisingly, he wasn't there, he only noticed Parkinson and Goyle standing at the front with Crabbe squeezed in the middle.

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