The Kissing Booth

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Summary: Hogwarts hosts a fair for students, Pansy is scheming to win, Ron is hiding something, and Harry is trying his best not to kiss Draco every five seconds.

(Contains smut)

"So what did Headmistress McGonagall said again?" Ron took a bite off his chicken leg and chewed on it, humming while doing it

"Ron" Hermione glared at him "She said—...Harry, you take over, I'm tired"

"Alright, she told us that every house would have to think of something to...what was it again?" Harry tried to explain but failed as well. It was just after the first semester and the Headmistress decided to create, he reckon that all the Professors have thought of this thoroughly

"A fair, Harry, and Ron, seriously you guys" Hermione sighed, opening her book in front of them and started reading

"So, a fair for what?" Ron asked

"A fair for..." Harry paused as he looked to the Slytherin table and saw Malfoy smiling with his friends, he made some grumbling sounds automatically

"Mate, you sound like a hungry wolf hunting for his prey"

"What? not" Harry cleared his throat and got back to messing with the food on his plate, he totally didn't look at Malfoy like that

"You totally did" Ginny snorted and elbowed him, he laughed awkwardly and she pouted "Oh come on Harry, don't deny"

"I'm not denying anything"

"You're denying that you're in denial" Ginny rolled her eyes at him and turned back to eating "Anyway, I'm glad that only the Eighth Year students have to do this, I'm so done with everything"

"Do what exactly?" Ron asked again and Hermione took a deep breath to calm herself down

"A fair" Ginny sipped on her pumpkin juice and continued "Each house has to think of something to show at the fair, for example, food, games, books"

"Ah, simple then" Ron shrugged

"No, it's not simple, Ron" Hermione began "It will take time and effort to think of something that will make everyone—..."

"Plus, if you win, your house will win for the rest of the second semester no matter what your score is"

"What?" Ron spluttered at Ginny's words "The whole semester?"

"I know, right? They'll be fighting for it, the house with the stand that attracts the most students there, win" She shrugged and added "Well, only the Seventh and Eighth Year students get to participate though"

"And we have like...a week to think of it?" Harry asked, both Hermione and Ginny nodded "Well...let's try our best then"

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