Draco Malfoy's Secret Diary

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Draco has a tiny teeny little crush on The Boy Who Lived Twice. Well no surprise there, Draco has been obsessed with the boy for seven years, 10 months, 17 days, and 3 hours now. And no, Draco didn't count it...he did NOT. This year the feelings in him were a bit too much so Blaise and Pansy were tired of it, they would always complain about it, telling him to get a grip and just ask Potter to shag him instead of bottling him his feelings, but no, he could never

They complained a lot, yes, but they were indeed very worried about him, who was madly in love with The Golden Boy. He knew that, but in no circumstances will Draco ever tell Harry he liked the boy. Today, Draco was at the library when Pansy ran to his spot and threw something on the table.

"What is it?" Draco asked

"Are you blind? You know what it is Draco, it's a diary. I know the crush you have with The-Boy-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is getting bigger every day, so what you need to do is, write down everything you go through every single day. I'm serious, you need to do this. I've casted a spell on it so no one could read it" Pansy grinned. There was something suspicious in her eyes, but Draco didn't care much. He held the diary in his hands and nodded

"Alright, I'll try. Only because you're my best friend and I know you're worried about me"

"Good luck, Draco" Pansy said and walked out of the library. Draco looked at the diary, the cover of the diary was brown and has a snake rose up from the surface in the middle, it was really simple, the pages were blank, the first page was written

'Draco's feelings for stupid Potter'

He chuckled, it was Pansy's handwritings, he could tell.


Draco ran into his dorm and slammed the door shut. He took the diary out of his bag and grabbed his quill. But before he could write anything, the flashbacks of today popped up in his head


"Class dismissed" The Professor spoke and everyone started leaving the classroom, Draco was on his own way when his eyes met Harry's. And out of nowhere he blurted

"Nice face, Potter" Oh Merlin he couldn't believe that he just complimented Potter...

"Sod off Malfoy" Harry growled at him and walked away

*end of flashbacks*

He continued writing

''Day 1: I can't believe I'm doing what Pansy says.
Dear Diary, today I saw Potter at the Great Hall. He looked astonishing as always, so I accidentally complimented that he had a nice face. But then he scowled at me and told me to sod off. I wondered what I did wrong. Maybe I should compliment his hair next time"

He closed the diary and plopped on the bed. What went wrong there?


"Day 2:
Dear Diary, we have Potions today. I kept looking at Potter, he was so clumsy, it was so cute. Why can't he just see that I like him?"


"Day 3:
Dear diary, I saw him with Ginevra Weasley today. Woah, my little heart couldn't take it so I ran off to Pansy and told her everything. She said it'd be just fine. I hardly think so. Harry's obviously not in love with me"


"Day 10:
Dear fucking diary, I can't believe how mad I am right now. Stupid Potter with his stupid hair and his stupid glasses and his stupid lips. I'm so mad, I'm mad that I'm madly in love with him. And he has a girlfriend, ugh, bleh, the Weaslette, I mean, what's wrong with his eyes? I'm here, looking like a Greek God and he doesn't even notice me"

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