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Steve and Daniel made their way to the bar where the former had enlisted his Howling Commandos.

Daniel rocked a fussy Sarah and a whiny Margot, wishing Lottie was there. He'd looked everywhere he could think, but his wife was nowhere to be found.

Peggy followed the voice of a radio through the rubble.

A man on the radio said, "Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area. Please wait for the all-clear. Your attention, please. All citizens shall remain indoors until further notice. Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area."

Peggy found Steve pouring himself a drink while Daniel, holding Sarah and Margot, sat next to him also with a drink.

Steve glanced up and said, "Dr. Erskine said that... the serum wouldn't just effect my muscles, it would effect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means um... I can't get drunk. Did you know that? I don't think Danny can either. He's had as many, if not more."

Peggy looked at them before saying, "Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought it could be one of the side effects." She changed the subject. "It wasn't your fault."

"Did you read the reports?"


"Then you know that's not true."

"You did everything you could. Did you two believe in your friend? Did you two respect him?" Steve and Daniel looked at her as if to say yes. "Then stop blaming yourselves. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you two were worth it. We looked for Lottie, but we had no luck finding her. I'm sorry."

"I'm goin' after Schmidt," Steve decided. "I'm not gonna stop till all of HYDRA is dead or captured."

"You won't be alone."

Daniel pursed his lips. "I'm with you, Steve. I'll figure out something for Sarah and Margot."

Steve glanced at his brother. "Danny-"

"Don't. Lottie is missing and Bucky's gone. If you think I'm letting you go off alone on a revenge mission, you're insane."

"What will you do about Sarah and Margot?"

"I-I don't know."

Peggy turned to Daniel. "I can have Howard watch them."

"Howard? Really?"

"If you want a revenge mission, he's probably your best bet."

Daniel thought for a moment and nodded. "Okay." He kissed the top of Sarah and Margot's heads. "I love you, my little princesses." He gave them to Peggy as tears fell down his cheeks. "Take care of them. Please."

Peggy nodded. "We will."

Sarah and Margot began crying and Daniel smiled at them sadly before saying, "I'll be back, sweet ones."


The team prepared a battle plan to take down Red Skull.

"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bug house," Colonel Phillips said. "He thinks he's a god. He's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities," Howard informed. "He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire eastern sea board in an hour."

"How much time we got?" Gabe asked.

"According to my new best friend, under twenty-four hours," Colonel Phillips replied.

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