Chapter 1

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"Being in a coma is like jumping off a cliff, everything around you is a blur and you don't know when it'll end. But when it does it hits you. Hard."

My names Brooklyn Fuller. I'm kinda short, 5'4 and have hazel eyes with blonde hair. At my old school I was what they considered popular, but I hated it! They always pressured me to do things but by the last year I had enough. I was excepted to a dance school in London for senior year and I left without any second thoughts. Their I was close to my friends and boyfriend. My boyfriend of the time is now my fiancé. His name is Liam Payne, a member of the boy band One Direction.

We met two years ago when I was 17. That was back when the only member of 1d I knew was Harry, my best friend. Harry and I have been friends our whole lives, our parents had been friends so it was kind if destined for us to be the best of friends. When harry left for the X factor I supported him every step of the way. It was his dream after all. My dream had always been to be a dancer. Which I am!

But anyways when I met Liam, harry had forced me to go stay with them in London.


"But Haz what is they don't like me?" I complained, as I took another drag of my cigarette. Don't judge, I was young and stupid!

"Don't worry babe, they'll love you!" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. Harry and I were in the friends with benefits stage, again. Sure I wished we could have had something more but of course he didn't like me like that.

I sighed and threw the bunt to the ground crushing it with my foot. " Let's go"

-when they get to London-

I opened the car door to get a better look at the massive house in front of me. Yes, they only lived in part of it but Harry said they got half of the house. It looked like royalty could live there.

"C'mon love" Harry said snapping me out of my daze. He had my bags in his hands waiting for me. I was very nervous to meet them. I mean what if they hate me and Harry ditches me for them?

I stood behind Hazz as he knocked on the door. Too late to turn back now.

A blonde guy opened the door. "Harry your here!" He said in an Irish accent. "And I see you brought a friend! Or should I say girlfriend?"

"Oh no, Brooke's my best friend!" See he didn't want anything more. He just uses me for sex. Not that I mind though, I mean he's Harry fucking Styles!

"Well anyway Brooke I'm Niall Horan"

"Nice to meet you Niall" I said politely.

He let us in the house and called for the rest of the boys.

The living room was nicely decorated and felt like home. Three hot looking boys came running down the stairs," Harry!" They all yelled. Harry smiled and waved to them.

"This is my friend Brooke." He introduced. I waved shyly.

"I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson."

"Zayn Malik"

I looked at the last boy, his hair was side-swept like Justin Bieber and he had gorgeous brown eyes. All in all, he was perfect.

"I'm Liam Payne."

*End of Flashback*

That was the day I met my fiancé Liam. We didn't start dating till a year later, he was in a relationship with Danielle Peazer for a while but he broke up with her for me.

Today however is my wedding day. I finally get to be with Liam for the rest of my life! Your probably thinking, didn't you have feelings for Harry? After he started dating Caroline Flack my feelings for him ended. She was like 15 years older than him! Anyways back to the present.

I got out of the shower and dried my long blonde hair. I got dressed in some sweatpants and one of Liam's sweatshirts. My best friend Cassandra had a hair and makeup artist over her house to get me ready so i didn't need to get all dressed up yet. All I had to to was get over there.

I threw some flip flops on ad grabbed my keys before leaving Liam and I's apartment. Li slept over Niall's last night after his bachelor party. I wonder what they did...

I climbed into my car and checked my phone. 2 New Messages.

Cassandra: you conning soon?? Lou and I are just about to burst if excitement!!

Me: On my way!

Sandra and Louis had been dating for a few months now. Harry an I set them up thinking they'd be less idiotic together. It didn't work.

The other message was from Liam.

Liam: cnt wait to c u walk down the isle! I cnt even imgne how beautiful ull look! Xx your future hubby.

Me: no second thoughts? Thank god! I can't wait either :) xoxo future Mrs. Payne.

I smiled and placed my phone next to me. Liam is just perfect. He never fails to make me smile! My life was finally perfect. I started to drive away but when I reached the main road my phone buzzed. I looked down and it read "1 new message. Hazza"

I quickly opened the message and what I read shocked me. I looked back at the road but it was to late, An eighteen wheeler was right infront of me. Shit! After that all I saw was darkness, well I guess this is goodbye...

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