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Authors Note

This book 'VESSELS UNKNOWN' is a complete work of fiction and sole product of the authors imagination.

Any resemblance to anyone both living or dead, places or people is absolutely coincidental.
Please, no portion of this story should be republished or copied except with the author's approval.
Thank you for respecting the authors work.


For continuing competence and criticism, kindly vote and comment.
Any grammatical error, writing tips should pointed out at the comment section.
Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

To everyone stopping by here,  Thank you for stopping by.

Please share the link with friends and loved ones. And also recommend the book on your walls.

I understand that many of you are writers, please link me to your books and I would devour them like food, literally. Lol.
But that's the truth. I love reading, so let me travel with you.

Please, your feedbacks and reviews are highly appreciated.

Copyright © 2021 by Deb Emanuel.

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